Ingar Jostein ØIen
Ecological insights from three decades of animal movement tracking across a changing Arctic
Ecological “big data” Human activities are rapidly altering the natural world. Nowhere is this more evident, perhaps, than in the Arctic, yet this region remains one of the most remote and difficult to study. Researchers have increasingly relied on animal tracking data in these regions to understand individual species' responses, but if we want to understand larger-scale change, we need to integrate our understanding across species. Davidson et al. introduce an open-source data archive that currently hosts more than 15 million location data points across 96 species and use it to show distinct climate change responses across species. Such ecological “big data” can lead to a wider understandi…
Home range and excursive post-breeding movements of Eurasian Eagle-owls revealed by GPS satellite transmitters
Investigating space use of wild birds provides important knowledge of bird behavior and ecology, which is crucial in the management and conservation of threatened species. In the present study, we used GPS satellite telemetry to investigate space use and movements of seven adult Eurasian Eagle-Owls (Bubo bubo) in Norway during breeding and post-breeding seasons. Breeding adults had a mean home range size of 42.9 km2 (SD ± 35.1 km2; 95% kernel density estimation Had hoc), and five individuals performed long (>20 km) excursive movements away from their breeding territories during autumn. Such wide-ranging behavior has not previously been reported for adults of the nominate subspecies B. b. bu…
Density-dependent winter survival of immatures in an irruptive raptor with pulsed breeding
Highly mobile predators can show strong numerical responses to pulsed resources, sometimes resulting in irruptions where large numbers of young invade landscapes at a continental scale. High production of young in irruption years may have a strong influence on the population dynamics unless immature survival is reduced compared to non-irruption years. This could occur if subordinate individuals (mainly immatures) are forced into suboptimal habitats due to density-dependent effects in irruption years. To test whether irruptive individuals had lower survival than non-irruptive ones, we combined necropsy results (N = 365) with telemetry (N = 185) from more than 20 years to record timing and ca…
Effects of satellite transmitters on survival in Snowy Owls Bubo scandiacus
The use of tracking devices to monitor birds is extensive, but the effects of such instruments on equipped individuals are still insufficiently taken into account. Here we evaluate potential effects of backpack-mounted satellite transmitters (platform terminal transmitters; PTTs) on survival of 28 Snowy Owls Bubo scandiacus. Six confirmed deaths were all probably related to natural and human-induced causes. Although PTT operational time was significantly shorter than expected lifetime of Snowy Owls, five owls were observed alive after transmissions ceased. Additionally four PTTs stopped due to low battery levels, indicating end of transmitter life and not owl mortality. We found no evidence…
The need of evidence-based management: the case of the of the Lesser White-Fronted Goose in Northern Norway
In the face of global change, conservation actions are implemented worldwide to reduce the risk of extinction of declining populations. Population dynamics can be, however, the result of complex biotic and abiotic interactions. Therefore, it is often unsure to what extent management contributes to the recovery of a population if a proper scientific assessment is lacking. If conservation is the goal, it is crucial to quantify the impact of management actions. The Fennoscandian population of the Lesser White-Fronted Goose Anser erythropus (henceforth LWFG) experienced a dramatic decline in the last decades, to the point that conservation actions were deemed necessary. Among several conservati…