Christiane Rousseau
Darboux Linearization and Isochronous Centers with a Rational First Integral
Abstract In this paper we study isochronous centers of polynomial systems. It is known that a center is isochronous if and only if it is linearizable. We introduce the notion of Darboux linearizability of a center and give an effective criterion for verifying Darboux linearizability. If a center is Darboux linearizable, the method produces a linearizing change of coordinates. Most of the known polynomial isochronous centers are Darboux linearizable. Moreover, using this criterion we find a new two-parameter family of cubic isochronous centers and give the linearizing changes of coordinates for centers belonging to that family. We also determine all Hamiltonian cubic systems which are Darbou…
Finite cyclicity of some center graphics through a nilpotent point inside quadratic systems
In this paper we introduce new methods to prove the finite cyclicity of some graphics through a triple nilpotent point of saddle or elliptic type surrounding a center. After applying a blow-up of the family, yielding a singular 3-dimensional foliation, this amounts to proving the finite cyclicity of a family of limit periodic sets of the foliation. The boundary limit periodic sets of these families were the most challenging, but the new methods are quite general for treating such graphics. We apply these techniques to prove the finite cyclicity of the graphic $(I_{14}^1)$, which is part of the program started in 1994 by Dumortier, Roussarie and Rousseau (and called DRR program) to show that…
Normalizability, Synchronicity, and Relative Exactness for Vector Fields in C2
In this paper, we study the necessary and su.cient condition under which an orbitally normalizable vector field of saddle or saddle-node type in C2 is analytically conjugate to its formal normal form (i.e., normalizable) by a transformation fixing the leaves of the foliation locally. First, we express this condition in terms of the relative exactness of a certain 1-form derived from comparing the time-form of the vector field with the time-form of the normal form. Then we show that this condition is equivalent to a synchronicity condition: the vanishing of the integral of this 1-form along certain asymptotic cycles de.ned by the vector field. This can be seen as a generalization of the clas…
Almost Planar Homoclinic Loops in R3
AbstractIn this paper we study homoclinic loops of vector fields in 3-dimensional space when the two principal eigenvalues are real of opposite sign, which we call almost planar. We are interested to have a theory for higher codimension bifurcations. Almost planar homoclinic loop bifurcations generically occur in two versions “non-twisted” and “twisted” loops. We consider high codimension homoclinic loop bifurcations under generic conditions. The generic condition forces the existence of a 2-dimensional topological invariant ring (non necessarily unique), which is a topological cylinder in the “non-twisted” case and a topological Möbius band in the “twisted” case. If the third eigenvalue is…