D. Bazeia
Geodesically complete BTZ-type solutions of $2+1$ Born-Infeld gravity
We study Born-Infeld gravity coupled to a static, nonrotating electric field in $2+1$ dimensions and find exact analytical solutions. Two families of such solutions represent geodesically complete, and hence nonsingular, spacetimes. Another family represents a point-like charge with a singularity at the center. Despite the absence of rotation, these solutions resemble the charged, rotating BTZ solution of General Relativity but with a richer structure in terms of horizons. The nonsingular character of the first two families turn out to be attached to the emergence of a wormhole structure on their innermost region. This seems to be a generic prediction of extensions of General Relativity for…
Classical resolution of black hole singularities in arbitrary dimension
A metric-affine approach is employed to study higher-dimensional modified gravity theories involving different powers and contractions of the Ricci tensor. It is shown that the field equations are \emph{always} second-order, as opposed to the standard metric approach, where this is only achieved for Lagrangians of the Lovelock type. We point out that this property might have relevant implications for the AdS/CFT correspondence in black hole scenarios. We illustrate these aspects by considering the case of Born-Infeld gravity in $d$ dimensions, where we work out exact solutions for electrovacuum configurations. Our results put forward that black hole singularities in arbitrary dimensions can…
Black holes in five-dimensional Palatinif(R)gravity and implications for the AdS/CFT correspondence
We show that theories having second-order field equations in the context of higher-dimensional modified gravity are not restricted to the family of Lovelock Lagrangians, but can also be obtained if no a priori assumption on the relation between the metric and affine structures of space-time is made (the Palatini approach). We illustrate this fact by considering the case of Palatini $f(R)$ gravities in five dimensions. Our results provide an alternative avenue to explore new domains of the AdS/CFT correspondence without resorting to ad hoc quasitopological constructions.
Robustness of braneworld scenarios against tensorial perturbations
Inspired by the peculiarities of the effective geometry of crystalline structures, we reconsider thick brane scenarios from a metric-affine perspective. We show that for a rather general family of theories of gravity, whose Lagrangian is an arbitrary function of the metric and the Ricci tensor, the background and scalar field equations can be written in first-order form, and tensorial perturbations have a non negative definite spectrum, which makes them stable under linear perturbations regardless of the form of the gravity Lagrangian. We find, in particular, that the tensorial zero modes are exactly the same as predicted by Einstein's theory regardless of the scalar field and gravitational…
Small and hollow magnetic monopoles
We deal with the presence of magnetic monopoles in a non Abelian model that generalizes the standard 't~Hooft-Polyakov model in three spatial dimensions. We investigate the energy density of the static and spherically symmetric solutions to find first order differential equations that solve the equations of motion. The system is further studied and two distinct classes of solutions are obtained, one that can also be described by analytical solutions which is called small monopole, since it is significantly smaller than the standard 't~Hooft-Polyakov monopole. The other type of structure is the hollow monopole, since the energy density is endowed with a hole at its core. The hollow monopole …