Regulation of Nicotiana tabacum osmotic stress-activated protein kinase and its cellular partner GAPDH by nitric oxide in response to salinity
Several studies focusing on elucidating the mechanism of NO (nitric oxide) signalling in plant cells have highlighted that its biological effects are partly mediated by protein kinases. The identity of these kinases and details of how NO modulates their activities, however, remain poorly investigated. In the present study, we have attempted to clarify the mechanisms underlying NO action in the regulation of NtOSAK (Nicotiana tabacum osmotic stress-activated protein kinase), a member of the SNF1 (sucrose non-fermenting 1)-related protein kinase 2 family. We found that in tobacco BY-2 (bright-yellow 2) cells exposed to salt stress, NtOSAK is rapidly activated, partly through a NO-dependent pr…