The first confirmed population of the globally endangered Pilularia minuta (Marsileaceae) in Sicily
Based on a recent collection made by the authors, the presence of the endangered Pilularia minuta Durieu in Sicily (Italy) is confirmed. Critical review of relevant literature and herbarium specimens suggests that the only previous report for the island, made in 1887, can, fairly confidently, be considered to be the result of a misidentification. There is an urgent need to protect the wetland at Anguillara (near Calatafimi), where the species was found.
New distribution and taxonomic information on Callitriche (Plantaginaceae) in the Mediterranean region
This article presents new records of water-starworts (Callitriche sp. pl.) from the Mediterranean basin, resulting from review of herbarium specimens and field work. Callitriche brutia var. naftolskyi is stated as a new combination and confirmed from Greece (Lesvos and Milos), Israel, Italy (Sardinia and Sicily), Libya, Morocco and Syria; C. lusitanica from Greece (Lesvos), Israel and Italy (Sardinia and Sicily); C. brutia var. brutia has been known from Greece for some time but is confirmed from Lesvos and Milos; C. obtusangula and C. truncata subsp. truncata are both confirmed from Sardinia and Sicily, while the latter is also confirmed from Syria. Callitriche lenisulca and C. stagnalis a…
European Red List of Lycopods and Ferns
In recent years, awareness has risen surrounding the crucial role of plants in providing ecosystem services and on their decline – they are one of the essential foundations of healthy ecosystems that we depend on. However, significant gaps in knowledge still remain. In this context, the European Red List of lycopods and ferns provides the first ever comprehensive assessment of the extinction risk of all native lycopod and fern species to Europe. With 194 species assessed, this assessment highlights that 19.9% of lycopod and fern species are threatened with extinction in Europe. This is mainly due to urban and infrastructure development, human intrusions and disturbance, pollution, and water…