L. Alemany
Effect of simulated gastrointestinal digestion on plant sterols and their oxides in enriched beverages
Abstract This study evaluates the bioaccessibility (percentage of soluble compound available for absorption) of plant sterols (PS) and their oxides (phytosterol oxidation products, POPs) after simulated gastrointestinal digestion in fruit (Fb), milk (M) and fruit-based milk beverages with (FbM a ) or without (FbM b ) tangerine juice. In beverages and their bioaccessible fraction (BF), campesterol, campestanol, stigmasterol, β-sitosterol and sitostanol were detected. Bioaccessibility of total PS ranged between 2.62 and 6.48%, FbM b yielding the highest value, followed by FbM a > Fb > M. Campesterol/campestanol were the most bioaccessible PS. Only oxides of β-sitosterol were detected in beve…
Cytokines profiles in intestinal epithelial (Caco-2) cells exposed to 7-ketostigmasterol or 7-ketocholesterol
Relative expression of cholesterol transport-related proteins and inflammation markers through the induction of 7-ketosterol-mediated stress in Caco-2 cells.
Human diets contain sterol oxidation products that can induce cytotoxic effects, mainly caused by cholesterol oxides. However, phytosterol oxides effects have been less extensively investigated. This study evaluates the production of inflammatory biomarkers (IL-1β, IL-8, IL-10, TNFα) and the influence of gene expression transporters and enzymes related to cholesterol absorption and metabolism (NPC1L1, ABCG5/8, HMGCoA, ACAT) produced by 7-ketosterols (stigmasterol/cholesterol) in Caco-2 cells. These effects were linked to intracellular signaling pathways by using several inhibitors. Results showed 7-ketostigmasterol to have a greater proinflammatory potential than 7-ketocholesterol. In non-p…
Plant sterols from foods in inflammation and risk of cardiovascular disease: a real threat?
High dietary intakes of cholesterol together with sedentary habits have been identified as major contributors to atherosclerosis. The latter has long been considered a cholesterol storage disease; however, today atherosclerosis is considered a more complex disease in which both innate and adaptive immune-inflammatory mechanisms as well as bacteria play a major role, in addition to interactions between the arterial wall and blood components. This scenario has promoted nutritional recommendations to enrich different type of foods with plant sterols (PS) because of their cholesterol-lowering effects. In addition to cholesterol, PS can also be oxidized during food processing or storage, and the…
Overview of the role of food bioactive compounds as complementary therapy for celiac disease
Evaluation of the cytotoxic effect of 7keto-stigmasterol and 7keto-cholesterol in human intestinal (Caco-2) cells
The biological implications of cholesterol oxidation products have been investigated, though research on plant sterol oxidation products is scarce and in some cases contradictory. The cytotoxicity of 7keto(k)-stigmasterol versus 7keto(k)-cholesterol at different concentrations (0-120 μM) and incubation times (4-24h), in intestinal epithelial cells (Caco-2 cells) was evaluated. The 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,3-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide and neutral red uptake tests, mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm), and relative DNA and RNA contents in the cell cycle phases were determined. Possible interaction effects between 7k-derivatives or non-oxidized stigmasterol were monitored. Endo/lysos…