H.j. Wollersheim
On the Road to FAIR: 1st Operation of AGATA in PreSPEC at GSI
International audience; The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR), under construction at Darmstadt will provide intense relativistic beams of exotic nuclei at its Superconducting-FRagment Separator. High-resolution in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy will be performed in the HISPEC experiment, using the European Advanced GAmma-ray Tracking Array (AGATA). The PreSPEC-AGATA campaign is the predecessor of HISPEC and runs from 2012 to 2014 at GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH. Up to19 AGATA modules were used at GSI's F Ragment Separator in 2012. We report on the status of the experiment including preliminary results from performance commissioning.
In-beam study of 254No
Excited states of the Z = 102 nuclide 254No have been studied in the reaction 208Pb(48Ca,2n) by means of in-beam γ -ray spectroscopy in combination with recoil gating and recoil decay tagging. A Ge detector array, consisting of four clover detectors, and a gas-filled separator were used. Six γ-ray lines were observed and associated with E2 transitions in the ground state band of 254No, the highest-lying of these being the 16+→ 14+ transition. Based on global systematics and the extrapolated 2+ 1 excitation energy, the value β2= 0.27 ± 0.03 was extracted for the quadrupole deformation. An improved value for the half-life of 254No, T1/2= (48 ± 3) s, was determined.