Tuning host specificity during the ontogeny of a fish ectoparasite: behavioural responses to host-induced cues
The choice between two alternative hosts, brown trout (Salmo trutta) and roach (Rutilus rutilus), and the response to visual and olfactory cues were studied in the ontogeny of Argulus coregoni. The initial preference of the smallest parasites for brighter roach changed at the age of 2 weeks, at the size of about 2 mm, for trout, a typical salmonid host. Younger argulids were attracted by a non-specific visual stimulus (white disc over dark background), and they did not respond to olfactory stimulation (fish-conditioned water). Later, the response to visual stimuli was modulated by trout-conditioned water, but not by that conditioned by roach. The primary role of vision, particularly in earl…
Seasonal dynamics of egg laying and egg-laying strategy of the ectoparasite Argulus coregoni (Crustacea: Branchiura).
Substrate preferences, spatial aggregation patterns and seasonal dynamics in the egg laying of ectoparasiticArgulus coregoniwere studied at a commercial fish farm in Finland. Pilot experiments showed thatA. coregonifemales selected specific types of substrates for egg laying. Significantly moreA. coregonieggs were laid on dark substrates than on light ones suggesting the use of visual cues. Therefore, egg-laying plates of dark colour were constructed for further experiments. MostA. coregonieggs were deposited in locations in shadow and in the deepest water in a 2 m deep farming canal. Relatively more eggs were laid on bottom stones situated near each egg-laying trap than on artificial egg-l…
Allee effect in a manipulative parasite within poikilothermic host under temperature change
AbstractTemperature and intraspecific competition are important factors influencing the growth of all organisms, including parasites. The temperature increase is suggested to stimulate the development of parasites within poikilothermic hosts. However, at high parasite densities, this effect could be diminished, due to stronger intraspecific competition. Our study, for the first time, addressed the joint effects of warming and parasite abundances on parasite growth in poikilothermic hosts. The growth of the common fish parasite larvae (trematode Diplostomum pseudospathaceum) within the rainbow trout at different infection intensities and temperatures (15°C and 18°C) was experimentally invest…
Parasite transmission in aquatic ecosystems under climate change: joint effects of temperature, host behavior and elimination of parasite larvae by predators
AbstractA moderate raise in temperature was suggested to enhance the impact of parasites on aquatic ecosystems. Under higher temperatures, poikilothermic animals (e.g. fish), increase their activity, which can result in a more frequent encounter with parasites. However, temperature increase may also trigger processes counteracting an increased risk of parasitic infections. For instance, removal of free-living stages of parasites by filter-feeding organisms can increase with temperature and potentially mitigate disease risk in ecosystems under climate change.In our study, we aimed to find out whether an increased infection transmission under higher temperatures can be, at least, partly compe…
Grouping facilitates avoidance of parasites by fish
Background. Parasite distribution is often highly heterogeneous, and intensity of infection depends, among other things, on how well hosts can avoid areas with a high concentration of parasites. We studied the role of fish behaviour in avoiding microhabitats with a high infection risk using Oncorhynchus mykiss and cercariae of Diplostomum pseudospathaceum as a model. Spatial distribution of parasites in experimental tanks was highly heterogeneous. We hypothesized that fish in groups are better at recognizing a parasitized area and avoiding it than solitary fish. Methods. Number of fish, either solitary or in groups of 5, was recorded in different compartments of a shuttle tank where fish co…
Innate antipredator behavior can promote infection in fish even in the absence of predators
Natural enemies—predators and parasites—largely shape the dynamics of ecosystems. It is known that antipredator and antiparasite defense can be mutually conflicting, however consequences of this trade-off for the regulation of infection burden in animals are still poorly understood. We hypothesize that even in the absence of cues from predators, innate antipredator behavior (“ghost of predation past”) interferes with defense against parasites and can enhance the infection risk. As a case study, we explore interactions between a commercial species, the rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, and its parasite, the trematode eye-fluke Diplostomum pseudospathaceum. Fish–parasite interactions were te…
Parasite-induced aggression and impaired contest ability in a fish host
Abstract Background Success of trophically transmitted parasites depends to a great extent on their ability to manipulate their intermediate hosts in a way that makes them easier prey for target hosts. Parasite-induced behavioural changes are the most spectacular and diverse examples of manipulation. Most of the studies have been focused on individual behaviour of hosts including fish. We suggest that agonistic interactions and territoriality in fish hosts may affect their vulnerability to predators and thus the transmission efficiency of trophically transmitted parasites. The parasite Diplostomum spathaceum (Trematoda) and juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, were used to study whe…
Increased ventilation by fish leads to a higher risk of parasitism
Background: Fish are common intermediate hosts of trematode cercariae and their gills can potentially serve as important sites of penetration by these larval stages. We experimentally tested the hypothesis that volume of ventilation flow across the gills contributes to acquisition of these parasites by fish. We manipulated the intensity of ventilation by using different oxygen concentrations. Methods: Juvenile Oncorhynchus mykiss were individually exposed for 10 minutes to a standard dose of Diplostomum pseudospathaceum cercariae at three levels of oxygen concentration, 30, 60 and 90%. Ventilation amplitude (measured as a distance between left and right operculum), operculum beat rate, and …
Behavioural adaptations of argulid parasites (Crustacea: Branchiura) to major challenges in their life cycle.
Fish lice (Argulus spp.) are obligate ectoparasites, which contrary to most aquatic parasites, retain the ability to swim freely throughout the whole of their life. In fish farms, they can quickly increase in numbers and without effective control cause argulosis, which results in the reduced growth and survival of their fish hosts. The morphology of Argulus spp, including their sensory organs, is suitable for both parasitism and free-swimming. By spending a considerable amount of time away from their host, these parasites risk being excessively dispersed, which could endanger mating success. Here we present a review of recent studies on the behaviour of Argulus spp, especially the aggregati…
Trematode cercariae as prey for zooplankton: effect on fitness traits of predators.
AbstractRemoval of parasite free-living stages by predators has previously been suggested an important factor controlling parasite transmission in aquatic habitats. Experimental studies of zooplankton predation on macroparasite larvae are, however, scarce. We tested whether trematode cercariae, which are often numerous in shallow waters, are suitable prey for syntopic zooplankters. Feeding rates and survival of freshwater cyclopoids (Megacyclops viridis, Macrocyclops distinctus), calanoids (Arctodiaptomus paulseni), cladocerans (Sida crystallina) and rotifers Asplanchna spp., fed with cercariae of Diplostomum pseudospathaceum, a common fish trematode, were studied. In additional long-term e…
Host specificity of Argulus coregoni (Crustacea: Branchiura) increases at maturation.
SUMMARYWe tested the hypothesis that host specificity in ectoparasites does not depend exclusively on the features of the host but also on surrounding habitats, using 2 fish ectoparasites, Argulus coregoni and A. foliaceus (Crustacea: Branchiura), occurring sympatrically in Finnish lakes. Although these parasites are considered to be of low specificity, we found that the larger of the 2 species, A. coregoni developed a pronounced preference for salmonid hosts at the beginning of maturation (defined by the presence of copulating specimens). Argulus foliaceus infects a much wider range of fish hosts. We showed that specialization of A. coregoni on salmonids does not necessarily result from in…
Freshwater mussels (Anodonta anatina) reduce transmission of a common fish trematode (eye fluke, Diplostomum pseudospathaceum)
SUMMARYRecent results suggest that bivalves can play an important role in restraining the spread of various aquatic infections. However, the ability of mussels to remove free-living stages of macroparasites and reduce their transmission is still understudied, especially for freshwater ecosystems. We investigated the influence of the common freshwater mussel (Anodonta anatina) on the transmission of a trematode (eye fluke, Diplostomum pseudospathaceum), which frequently infects fish in farms and natural habitats. In our experiments, mussels caused a significant decrease (P < 0·001) in the abundance of trematode free-living stages, from 6520 to 1770 cercariae L−1 on average (about 4-fold i…
Parasite transmission in aquatic ecosystems under temperature change: effects of host activity and elimination of parasite larvae by filter‐feeders
A moderate raise in temperature was suggested to enhance the impact of parasites on aquatic ecosystems. Under higher temperatures, poikilothermic animals (e.g. fish) increase their activity, which can result in a more frequent encounter with parasites. However, temperature increase may also trigger processes counteracting an increased risk of parasitic infections. Thus, the removal of free‐living stages of parasites by filter‐feeding organisms can increase with temperature and potentially mitigate disease risk in ecosystems under climate change. We aimed to study whether an increased infection transmission under higher temperatures can be compensated by the increased removal of parasitic la…
Light-mediated host searching strategies in a fish ectoparasite, Argulus foliaceus L. (crustacea: branchiura).
Argulus foliaceus, an obligate fish ectoparasite, can search for its hosts in both light and dark conditions and uses vision in the light. We have examined what searching mode is used at night, when the infection rate was at its highest, and which stimuli produced by the fish are most important. A change of illumination produced a clear difference in the searching behaviour of adult Argulus females. The mean swimming speed and the area explored were 3-4 times higher in the dark, when the parasite employed a cruising search strategy. This changed to an ambush (hover-and-wait) strategy in the light. The swimming activity is accompanied by changes in metabolic costs; the activity of the electr…