De Simone Monica
Recensione di P. Buongiorno, Materiali esegetici per una prosopografia dei giuristi romani, prefazione di Martin Avenarius, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2020, pp. 257.
Francis De Zulueta, i ‘Dioscuri di Oxford’ e l’edizione dei papiri di Ossirinco
The paper traces a brief overview of the fundamental contribution given to the study of Roman law by the discovery of papyri and reconstructs a fruitful season of research during the so-called Century of Papyrology. In particular, against the broader background of the Wissenschaftsgeschichte of Roman law in the first half of the 20th century, the results proposed in a recently published monograph are analysed and some reflections on the role of modern Juristic Papyrology are proposed in the light of a renewed study of the sources of Roman law.
Obnoxietas curiale e condizione giuridica dei filii familias in età tardoantica
The paper proposes a brief overview of the evolutionary processes along which the legal status of filii familias developed during the Late Antiquity period, with particular reference to the role they assumed as decurionum filii in the government of the civitates.