M. Verdeguer
Herbicidal activity of Citrus limon essential oil extracted from Sicilian lemon industry
Weeds could reduce yield of annual crops by up to 70%. The main features of these species include high seed production, easily seed dispersal, variable degrees of seed dormancy and high competitivity by rapid seedling growth and higher growth rate than crops. Weed management is a significant challenge faced for crop yield and quality since they compete for water, light, soil nutrients and space. Environmental constraints of crop production systems have stimulated interest in alternative weed management strategies. In fact, the continued use of synthetic herbicides may threaten sustainable agricultural production and has resulted in serious ecological and environmental problems, such as the …
Herbicidal activity of essential oils extracted from different Eucalyptus and Citrus species against Avena fatua
Weeds are a serious threat for crop yield and quality since they compete for water, light, soil nutrients and space. Avena fatua L. is one of the ten worst annual weeds of temperate agricultural regions of the world. It could reduce annual crop yields by as much as 70%. The main traits of this species include high fecundity, self-pollination, and variable degrees of primary seed dormancy. A. fatua is in the 4th position of herbicide resistant weeds in the word. It has developed resistance to eight different modes of action. .. The European legislation also supports weed control by means of Integrated Pest Management. It is important to manage A. fatua interference preventing environmental p…
Sanitizing food contact surfaces by the use of essential oils
Chemical sanitizers continue to be widely used by the food industry to disinfect food contact surfaces. However, as some chemical disinfectants have been reported to produce unhealthy by-products, alternative and natural compounds need to be investigated. To this end, nine essential oils (EOs) were screened to develop a natural sanitizing solution (SAN) for disinfecting food contact surfaces. Once extracted, their antimicrobial activity and chemical composition were determined. An exploratory multivariate approach was used to investigate the relationships between the chemical and microbiological data sets. Among the tested EOs, Thymbra capitata EO, containing up to 93.31% oxygenated monoter…
Phytotoxic potential of Citrus essential oils on weed species
Environmental constraints of crop production systems have stimulated interest in alternative weed management strategies. In fact, the continued use of synthetic herbicides may threaten sustainable agricultural production and result in serious ecological and environmental problems, such as the increased incidence of resistance in weeds to important herbicides and increased environmental pollution and health hazards. Public awareness and demand for environmentally safer herbicides with less persistence and less contaminating potential make searches for new weed control strategies. Citrus Essential oils are generally used in the cosmetic, medicinal, and food industries, and are thought to be s…
Herbicidal activity of essential oils extracted from different Mediterranean species against Echinochloa crus galli
Weed infestation in agricultural fields can cause huge economic losses and low-quality crop yields. Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P.Beauv. (barnyardgrass) is one of the greatest yields limiting weeds in rice cultivation systems. It is a cosmopolitan weed in both temperate and tropical regions and is reported as a weed in 36 different crops in 61 countries. The success of this weed may be attributed to the production of large numbers of small, easily dispersed seeds per plant, possession of seed dormancy, rapid development and ability to flower under a wide range of photoperiods, and relative resistance of mature plants to herbicide sprays. Thus, the best way to control barnyardgrass in an env…