Matteo Mandalà
Il "Canto di Lazzaro" nella tradizione scritta
Il saggio descrive e raccoglie le varianti testuali scritte, edite e inedite, a stampa e manoscritte, che documentano la tradizione della Kalimera del Lazzaro e introduce alcuni aspetti della tradizione paraliturgica e antropologica italo-albanese
Gli Albanesi in Istria (secc. XV-XVIII)
Albanian emigration was a historic phenomenon which extended over a long period, and of which different countries of the inter-Adriatic area were the final destination. Besides different regions in present-day Italy, Istria as well constituted a destination. The Albanians arrived there at the end of the 15th century. According to documents from archives, the Istrian settlement displays the connotations of similar migrations – though the latter were much more complex – across the Italian peninsula. Documents reflect the common organisational skills of various groups of migrants.
Panorama storico dell'emigrazione albanese in Italia nei secoli XIV-XVIII. Individuazione delle costanti che hanno segnato la fase migratoria nei diversi seocli e i problemi relativi agli insediamenti nelle regioni meridionali della Penisola.
Aspetti e momenti della formazione giovanile di Luigi Pirandello e di Giuseppe Schirò
The newly retrieved correspondence between Pirandello and Schirò helps us reconstruct the relationship between the two young writers, both protagonists of a time rich in events. Of no less importance were their passionate love stories with two young women by the same name: Lina Pirandello. The first Lina was the cousin of the writer whereas the other the sister of the future playwright. The background was that of the Palermo of the liberty style at the end of the 19th century while the cultural context was dominated by the great and renowned Sicilian figures of the time. In the second part of the essay, the author considers the literary activity shared by the two young men. As to the early …
Presentazione a: Luca Matranga e il suo tempo storico
presentation to the volume : Luca Matranga e il suo tempo storico
Polemika e harruar Schirò vs. De Grazia dhe çështja e përkthimit të letërsisë gojore arbëreshe
Rivisitazione della polemica traduttologica tra Schirò e De Grazia. Analisi retrospettiva di aspetti irrisolti della traduzione di testi in albanese in un contesto plurilinguistico
Luca Matranga e il suo tempo storico
This volume collects the proceedings of the XXX International Conference of Albanology organized by the Department of Cultures and Society and held on 5 and 6 May 2019 in Palermo and in the two Sicilian Albanian communities of Piana degli Albanesi and Santa Cristina Gela. The meeting was wanted both to inaugurate the Departmental Laboratory of Albanology on the occasion of the fourth centenary of the death of the author of the first book in Arbëresh, Luca Matranga (18 January 1569 - 6 May 1619), and to deepen the knowledge of a complex period of the cultural history of the Albanians, both of those who for centuries settled in southern Italy and of the others who reside on the eastern shores…