Mondello C.
La vasectomia a sostegno del piacere: analisi casistica e considerazioni medico legali
In Italy, the resort to vasectomy, surgery adapted to determine an irreversible alteration of the physical state of an individual, resulting in the loss of the ability to procreate, is somewhat reduced compared to the others European countries, even though legitimate, it carries the disadvantage of the absence of a clear and univocal legislation concerning surgical sterilization. Despite, in recent years there has been a change in the assessment of such surgery. Nevertheless, is relevant that in the Italian legal system still lacks a regulatory of such medical-surgery activities, although several bills have been submitted to the competent parliamentary bodies. The attitude of indifference t…
COVID-19 in Italy. Clinical emergency and bioethical perspectives
Italy is the European country with the second highest number of novel Coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) deaths. Several factors interfered with the spread of this phenomenon, both clinical, political, and bioethical. In this scenario, where the need for care goes far beyond the capacity of a health system able to cope with it, what should be the criteria for an equitable distribution of the available resources? The mass quarantine required physical distancing in order to limit the spread of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, and contextually created additional problems for the organization Italian National Health Service. The delicate ethical questions p…
Forensic Microbiology: A Case Series Analysis
The importance of microbial colonization of human organs in a living body has long been assessed. What still remains unclear are the microbial changes occurring after death, thus leading to the advent of a relatively novel field of research called “Postmortem microbiology”. It is applied to several forensic fields such as post-mortem interval assessment and cause of death determination. In this contest, a major limit is thus represented by the correct interpretation of the microbial data and by the actual lack of standard procedures. Here we propose a standard operative protocol in order to avoid false positives given by contamination (the main problem), post-mortem translocation and agonal…
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy associated with polyarteritis nodosa: A case of sudden cardiac death
This case concerns a rare sudden cardiac death characterized by macroscopic and microscopic postmortem findings of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and polyarteritis nodosa. A complete autopsy was carried out, and histological and histochemical methods were employed. The cause of death was acute multifocal ischemic myocitolitic damage caused by both myocardial structural alteration attributable to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (widespread interstitial fibrosis and multifocal myocyte disarray) and coronary arteritis attributable to polyarteritis nodosa. This is the first case in which the cause of death was attributed to both diseases.
Responsabilità per trattamenti tricologici: casistica ed indagine conoscitiva
The Authors report two cases of refund claim of personal damages for presumed professional responsibility of hairdressers, related to professional activities for trichological procedures. In fact acquired data show that, in the last years, there are many claims, even in civil litigation, for presumed professional responsibility concerning cosmetic medical-surgical practices, but also of typically moving crafts, for activities performed by these professionals. So, for many aspects of these events, medical examiner, is involved in the evaluation of causation between performed activities and complained subsistence of sequelae that could be considered damage of good constitutionally protected. …