Cardia G.

La vasectomia a sostegno del piacere: analisi casistica e considerazioni medico legali

In Italy, the resort to vasectomy, surgery adapted to determine an irreversible alteration of the physical state of an individual, resulting in the loss of the ability to procreate, is somewhat reduced compared to the others European countries, even though legitimate, it carries the disadvantage of the absence of a clear and univocal legislation concerning surgical sterilization. Despite, in recent years there has been a change in the assessment of such surgery. Nevertheless, is relevant that in the Italian legal system still lacks a regulatory of such medical-surgery activities, although several bills have been submitted to the competent parliamentary bodies. The attitude of indifference t…

research product

Il ruolo della cartella clinica ai fini della valutazione della qualità per l'accreditamento istituzionale

The authors carried out research aimed at evaluating the quality of some aspects of a sample of medical records compiled in the operational uniti of a hospital. A subjective evaluation criterion was used, quantified by attibuting a correct numeric value by means of a weightingdeliberation factor. None of the medical record examined were judget qualitatively excellent. The main fact missing was the documentation regarding consensus, even in those medical records judget good or sufficient.

research product

La responsabilità penale da derelizione di corpo estraneo in sito chirurgico

The authors focus on the liability of the surgery team members in the case they inadvertently forget behind in the patient's body a foreign abject, which causes injuries and/or death. The authors underline that, according to the current case law regarding medical malproactice, both the main surgeon and their assistant/subordinate are liable for engaging in a markedly imprudent and/or negligent conduct, such as not double-checking scrupulously the surgical site before its closure in order to highlight forgotten foreign bodies. As well, the authors underline that either the circulator nurse or the theatre nurse can be considered punishable by law when that medical error occurs, even if they a…

research product

Responsabilità per trattamenti tricologici: casistica ed indagine conoscitiva

The Authors report two cases of refund claim of personal damages for presumed professional responsibility of hairdressers, related to professional activities for trichological procedures. In fact acquired data show that, in the last years, there are many claims, even in civil litigation, for presumed professional responsibility concerning cosmetic medical-surgical practices, but also of typically moving crafts, for activities performed by these professionals. So, for many aspects of these events, medical examiner, is involved in the evaluation of causation between performed activities and complained subsistence of sequelae that could be considered damage of good constitutionally protected. …

research product

La tutela assicurativa della responsabilità professionale

The Authors conducted a fact-finding survey among the health operators in some Sicilian and calabrian hospitals, hèreby eitending it to include doctors in training - in light of D.Lgs. 368/99 - and heilth operatórs in the area o in consideration oflaw42|9.T\esurveywas'aimedatdeterminingthedegree ofawarenessofthetypeofinsurancecoveràgeand/orcontraclsandlnlicies(>, "claims made") signed by the respective services, as well as about the protection supplied to health operators by the same insurance contracts.

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