F Ghezzi

Aspetti psicologici e strategie di coping nella dialisi e nel trapianto renale

Aim. Although with different results, dialysis and kidney transplantation represent two effective strategies in treating chronic uraemia. Our study compares the psychological aspects of two categories of patients: on one hand those who faced kidney transplantation and have been in dialysis, on the other hand the non complaint patients treated with these therapies. Methods. We used a test for the analysis of the personality (MMPI2) and the COPE, that tests the abilities to coping used by the patient in certain conditions that can be perceived us stressful or, in any case, as unusual. With both MMPI2 and COPE we tested 120 patients that have faced haemodialysis and 50 that have been subject t…

research product

23 Impact of COVID-19 in gynecologic oncology: a nationwide Italian survey

Objective Several attempts are done in order to control COVID-19 and promote a fair allocation of resources during the outbreak. The Italian society of obstetrics and gynecologist (SIGO), and the Multicenter Italian Trials in Ovarian cancer and gynecologic malignancies (MITO) are promoting research activities in the field of gynecologic oncology on a national basis, even in the era of COVID-19. Methods The SIGO and MITO group promoted a national survey aiming to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on clinical activity of gynecologist oncologists and the implementation of containment measures of COVID-19 diffusion. Results Overall, 604 participants completed the questionnaire with a response rat…

research product

Aspetti psicologici nel trapianto renale

research product

Aspetti psicologici in dialisi e nei pazienti non collaboranti

L’emodialisi e la dialisi peritoneale, anche se rappresentano (con il trapianto) la terapia sostitutiva d’elezione dell’insufficienza renale, non sempre vengono vissute positivamente dai pazienti, a causa delle rigide prescrizioni terapeutiche e per i cambiamenti che apportano nella vita quotidiana (1,2). Ciò potrebbe incidere negativamente sulla non compliance che è definita, in entrambi i trattamenti, come l’inosservanza parziale o totale della terapia, che può essere associata alla non accettazione del trattamento sostitutivo (3). In letteratura viene stimato che il 50% dei pazienti in emodialisi ed un terzo di quelli in peritoneale abbia almeno una parziale non compliance che nella magg…

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