Pia Laukkanen
Promoting safe walking among older people : the effects of a physical and cognitive training intervention vs. physical training alone on mobility and falls among older community-dwelling men and women (the PASSWORD study): design and methods of a randomized controlled trial
Abstract Background Safe and stable walking is a complex process involving the interaction of neuromuscular, sensory and cognitive functions. As physical and cognitive functions deteriorate with ageing, training of both functions may have more beneficial effects on walking and falls prevention than either alone. This article describes the study design, recruitment strategies and interventions of the PASSWORD study investigating whether a combination of physical and cognitive training (PTCT) has greater effects on walking speed, dual-task cost in walking speed, fall incidence and executive functions compared to physical training (PT) alone among 70–85-year-old community-dwelling sedentary or…
Calcaneal Bone Mineral Density Predicts Fracture Occurrence: A Five-Year Follow-up Study in Elderly People
A 5-year follow-up study investigated calcaneal bone mineral density (BMD) and changes in BMD in relation to fracture occurrence. The subjects comprised two cohorts born in 1914 and 1910 living in the city of Jyväskylä in central Finland. One hundred and three men (82%) and 188 women (73%), aged 75, and 57 men (74%) and 136 women (65%), aged 80, of the eligible population participated in the baseline bone measurements. The follow-up bone measurements were obtained for 59 men (68%) and 119 women (66%), aged 80 years, and for 21 men (53%) and 61 women (48%), aged 85 years. During the follow-up period, 8 men and 36 women from the younger and 11 men and 24 women from the older cohort sustained …
Multidimensional health assessment of 75- and 80-year-old men and women: a five-year prospective study.
Background and aims: There are no earlier reports of regular multidimensional health check programs in elderly people. The aim of this study was to establish the number and type of previously unrecognized health conditions in two cohorts of elderly people examined twice during a 5-year period, and to determine how these conditions were subsequently evaluated and treated. Methods: This population-based study, carried out at a university research center in Finland, consisted of a multidimensional and multiphased health assessment including interviews, health questionnaires and medical examinations and tests, and follow-up of subsequent examinations and treatment. Participants were all 75- (N=…
Factors related to coping with physical and instrumental activities of daily living among people born in 1904-1923
Functional ability is affected by a number of different factors, including biological ageing, illness, and living environment. This study was concerned with the connections of functional ability with mood and cognitive capacity in elderly individuals. It forms part of a cross-sectional study which was carried out in 1988, involving two random samples of 800 non-institutionalized persons born in 1904–1913 and 1914–1923. Functional ability tests included 18 questions; eight concerned coping with physical activities of daily living (PADL) and 10 instrumental activities of daily living (IADL). Depressive symptoms and cognitive capacity were examined by tests. In addition, there was a set of que…
Muscle strength and mobility as predictors of survival in 75-84-year-old people.
The purpose of the study was to examine the association of physical capacity, as determined on the basis of self-report and physical measurements, with survival in three groups of elderly people aged 75, 80 and 75-84 years. The main aspects of physical capacity were mobility, walking speed, hand grip strength and knee extension strength. Although 1142 persons participated in mobility interview, of whom 466 also took part in the walking speed test, and 463 in the strength tests. The follow-up periods ranged from 48 to 58 months. Risk of death was significantly related to difficulties in indoor mobility among the 75-84-year-olds (odds ratio = 1.99, 95% confidence interval = 1.27-3.13) and 75-…
Health and functional capacity as predictors of community dwelling among elderly people
The aim of this study was to identify factors that predict community dwelling (i.e., nonuse of institutional bed-days) among elderly people. This was a longitudinal study of institution use including both short-term and long-term use of hospitals and nursing homes. The impact of health, functional performance, and carrying out the activities of daily living on community dwelling was studied using the method of path analysis. The participants were all the 75-year-old (N = 388) and 80-year-old (N = 291) men and women resident in the City of Jyväskylä, Finland. Predictor variables included disease severity, symptoms of illness, cognitive capacity, walking speed, muscle strength, hearing, and a…
Mobility limitations and cognitive deficits as predictors of institutionalization among community-dwelling older people.
<i>Purpose:</i> Mobility limitations and cognitive disorders have often been observed as risks for institutionalization. However, their combined effects on risk of institutionalization among initially community-dwelling older people have been less well reported. <i>Design:</i> A prospective cohort study with 10-year surveillance on institutionalization. <i>Subjects:</i> Study population (n = 476) consisted of 75- and 80-year-old people who were community-dwelling, had not been diagnosed with dementia, and participated in tests on walking speed and cognitive capacity at a research centre. <i>Measures:</i> Cognitive capacity was measured with th…
Effects of Physical and Cognitive Training on Gait Speed and Cognition in Older Adults : A Randomized Controlled Trial
Gait speed is a measure of health and functioning. Physical and cognitive determinants of gait are amenable to interventions, but best practices remain unclear. We investigated the effects of a 12‐month physical and cognitive training (PTCT) on gait speed, dual‐task cost in gait speed, and executive functions (EFs) compared to physical training (PT) (ISRCTN52388040). Community‐dwelling older adults, who did not meet physical activity recommendations, were recruited (n=314). PT included supervised walking/balance (once weekly) and resistance/balance training (once weekly), home exercises (2‐3 times weekly) and moderate aerobic activity 150 minutes/week in bouts of >10 minutes. PTCT included …
A comparative study of factors related to carrying out physical activities of daily living (PADL) among 75-year-old men and women in two nordic localities
The aim of this cross-sectional and cross-national study was to describe and compare the ability to carry out physical activities of daily living (PADL) and examine factors that might explain variation in this ability in two Nordic populations. Seven hundred and six men and women aged 75 from two populations (Glostrup, Denmark, and Jyväskylä, Finland) were interviewed and given a laboratory examination in 1989-90. The ability to carry out the PADL activities was studied by interview. Tests were given to determine depressive symptoms, cognitive capacity, and selected physical and sensory performance domains. Four different regression models (men and women in Jyväskylä and Glostrup) were used…
Tiredness in daily activities among nondisabled old people as determinant of onset of disability.
The purpose of this article was to examine whether self-reported tiredness in daily activities at age 75 is an independent determinant of onset of disability at 5-year follow-up. The investigation is based on two subgroups of nondisabled participants of 75 year olds who survived and participated in the follow-up study 5 years later (n = 510 and 429). Persons who felt tired in their daily activities had a larger risk of becoming disabled in mobility (OR = 3.2, 95% CI = 1.4-7.6) and in daily activities (OR = 2.1, 95% CI = 1.0-4.2) compared to persons without tiredness. In addition, persons with poor cognitive function, little diversity in social relations and no physical activity had an indep…
Associations of neuroticism with falls in older adults : do psychological factors mediate the association?
OBJECTIVES Neuroticism predicts falls in older people. In addition, concern about falling and depressive symptoms are associated with fall risk. This study examined whether concern about falling and depressive symptoms mediate the association between neuroticism and falls. METHOD Cross-sectional data on 314 community-dwelling people aged 70–85 years were utilized. Neuroticism was assessed with a short modified form of the Eysenck Personality Inventory. Indoor and outdoor falls during the past year were self-reported. Concern about falling was assessed with the Falls Efficacy Scale-International and depressive symptoms with the Geriatric Depression Scale-15. Path modeling was used to examine…
Factors related to carrying out everyday activities among elderly people aged 80
The study was based on an epidemiological model in which performing activities of daily living (ADL) was the dependent variable. Variation in performing was explained by physical and mental health, and by physical performance. The population consisted of all 80-year-old residents (N = 291) of the city of Jyväskylä in central Finland; 90% of them agreed to take part in the interviews at home, while 72% took part in the laboratory examinations to determine health status and functional capacity. Difficulties in at least some PADL (Physical Activities of Daily Living) tasks were reported by 86.5% of the men, and 87.2% of the women; none said they could perform all IADL (Instrumental Activities …
Variation of lattice constant and cluster formation in GaAsBi
We investigate the structural properties of GaAsBi layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs at substrate temperatures between 220–315 C. Irrespective of the growth temperature, the structures exhibited similar Bi compositions, and good overall crystal quality as deduced from X-Ray diffraction measurements. After thermal annealing at temperatures as low as 500 C, the GaAsBi layers grown at the lowest temperatures exhibited a significant reduction of the lattice constant. The lattice variation was significantly larger for Bi-containing samples than for Bi-free low-temperature GaAs samples grown as a reference. Rutherford backscattering spectrometry gave no evidence of Bi diffusing out o…
Effects of physical and cognitive training on gait speed and cognition in older adults: A randomized controlled trial
Gait speed is a measure of health and functioning. Physical and cognitive determinants of gait are amenable to interventions, but best practices remain unclear. We investigated the effects of a 12-month physical and cognitive training (PTCT) on gait speed, dual-task cost in gait speed, and executive functions (EFs) compared with physical training (PT) (ISRCTN52388040). Community-dwelling older adults, who did not meet physical activity recommendations, were recruited (n = 314). PT included supervised walking/balance (once weekly) and resistance/balance training (once weekly), home exercises (2-3 times weekly), and moderate aerobic activity 150 min/week in bouts of >10 min. PTCT included the…
Mobility performance and its sensory, psychomotor and musculoskeletal determinants from age 75 to age 80.
Background and aims: Prospective studies on the simultaneous effects of multiple determinants on objectively assessed mobility are few. The aim of this study was to analyse mobility performance, its stability and sensory, psychomotor and musculoskeletal determinants in an older population from age 75 to age 80. Methods: Sixty-three men and 121 women aged 75 participated at baseline and, five years later, in the follow-up phase of this population-based prospective study. Maximal walking speed and step-mounting height were assessed at baseline and follow-up. Maximal isometric knee extension strength, standing balance on force platform, reaction time, visual acuity and limitations in range of …