SimpleBIM: From full ifcOWL graphs to simplified building graphs
International audience; Recent research in semantic web technologies for the built environment has resulted in several proposals to further improve information exchange among stakeholders from the domain. Most notable is the production of several OWL ontologies that allow to capture building data in RDF graphs. For example, an ifcOWL ontology allows to capture IFC data in an RDF graph. As the building data is now available in a semantic graph with an explicit formal basis, it can be restructured and simplified so that it more easily matches the different requirements associated with practical use case scenarios. In this paper, we investigate several proposals and technological approaches to…
Querying and reasoning over large scale building data sets
International audience; The architectural design and construction domains work on a daily basis with massive amounts of data. Properly managing, exchanging and exploiting these data is an ever ongoing challenge in this domain. This has resulted in large semantic RDF graphs that are to be combined with a significant number of other data sets (building product catalogues, regulation data, geometric point cloud data, simulation data, sensor data), thus making an already huge dataset even larger. Making these big data available at high performance rates and speeds and into the correct (intuitive) formats is therefore an incredibly high challenge in this domain. Yet, hardly any benchmark is avai…
Proceedings of the 8th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop (LDAC2020)
International audience
Proceedings of 6th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop (LDAC2018)
International audience