Gundars Ratnieks

Mathematical modelling of the industrial growth of large silicon crystals by CZ and FZ process

The present paper gives an overview of the complex mathematical modelling of industrial Czochralski (CZ) and floating‐zone (FZ) processes for the growth of large silicon single crystals from melt. Extensive numerical investigations of turbulent Si‐melt flows in large diameter CZ crucibles, global thermal calculations in growth facilities and analysis of the influence of various electromagnetic fields on CZ process are presented. For FZ process, a complex system of coupled 2D and 3D mathematical models is presented to show the possibilities of modelling from the calculation of the molten zone shape till the resistivity distribution in the grown crystal. A special developed program code is pr…

research product

Silīcija monokristālu ar diametru līdz 8 collām audzēšanas ar peldošās zonas metodi modelēšana

Sil¯ıcija monokrist¯alu ar diametru l¯ıdz 8 coll¯am audz¯eˇsanas ar peldoˇs¯as zonas metodi model¯eˇsana Disert¯acija Gundars Ratnieks Anot¯acija ˇSaj¯a darb¯a tiek pied¯av¯ata nosl¯egta aksi¯alsimetrisku matem¯atisku model¸u sist¯ema stacion ¯arai peldoˇs¯as zonas (FZ) krist¯ala augˇsanai, kas piem¯erota peldoˇso zonu apr¯ek¸inam liela diametra (piem., 8 collu) krist¯aliem. F¯azu robeˇzu apr¯ek¸inu s¯erija 8 collu peldoˇsajai zonai vispirms tiek veikta, neiev¯erojot kaus¯ejuma pl¯usmu taj¯a, tad 8, 4 un 2 collu peldo- ˇsaj¯am zon¯am apr¯ek¸ini tiek veikti, ¸nemot v¯er¯a ar¯ı kaus¯ejuma pl¯usmu. Tiek noskaidrots, ka apr¯ek¸ini, kuros nav ¸nemta v¯er¯a kaus¯ejuma kust¯ıba, dod tikai f¯azu ro…

research product

Modelling of the Floating Zone Growth of Silicon Single Crystals with Diameter up to 8 Inch

Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumus

research product