Christof Vockenhuber
First application of calorimetric low-temperature detectors in accelerator mass spectrometry
Abstract For the first time, calorimetric low-temperature detectors were applied in accelerator mass spectrometry, a well-known method for determination of very small isotope ratios with high sensitivity. The aim of the experiment was to determine with high accuracy the isotope ratio of 236U/238U for several samples of natural uranium, 236U being known as a sensitive monitor for neutron flux. Measurements were performed at the VERA tandem accelerator at Vienna, Austria. The detectors consist of sapphire absorbers and superconducting transition edge thermometers operated at T≈ 1.5 K. The relative energy resolution obtained for 17.39 MeV 238U is ΔE/E=4–9×10−3, depending on the experimental co…
Energy-loss straggling of 2-10 MeV/u Kr ions in gases
Measurements have been performed on a time-of-flight setup at the Jyväskylä K130 cyclotron, aiming at energy-loss straggling of heavy ions in gases. Theoretical predictions based on recently developed theory as well as an empirical interpolation formula predict that straggling can be more than ten times higher than Bohr straggling in the MeV/u regime. Our measurements with up to 9.3 MeV/u Kr ions on He, N2, Ne and Kr targets confirm this feature. Our calculations show the relative contributions of linear straggling, bunching including packing, and charge exchange. Our results for stopping cross sections are compatible with values from the literature. Funding Agencies|EU||Academy of Finland …
Energy loss and straggling of MeV Si ions in gases
We present measurements of energy loss and straggling of Si ions in gases. An energy range from 0.5 to 12 MeV/u was covered using the 6 MV EN tandem accelerator at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, and the K130 cyclotron accelerator facility at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Our energy-loss data compare well with calculation based on the SRIM and PASS code. The new straggling measurements support a pronounced peak in He gas at around 4 MeV/u predicted by recent theoretical calculations. The straggling curve structure in the other gases (N2, Ne, Ar, Kr) is relatively flat in the covered energy range. Although there is a general agreement between the straggling data and the theoretical calculat…