J A Valls
Functional super Read-Out Driver demonstrator for the Phase II Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter
This work presents the implementation of a functional super Read-Out Driver (sROD) demonstrator for the Phase II Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) in the LHC experiment. The proposed front-end for the Phase II Upgrade communicates with back-end electronics using a multifiber optical connector with a data rate of 57.6 Gbps using the GBT protocol. This functional sROD demonstrator aims to help in the understanding of the problems that could arise in the upgrade of back-end electronics. The demonstrator is composed of three different boards that have been developed in the framework of ATLAS activities: the Optical Multiplexer Board (OMB), the Read-Out Driver (ROD) and the Optical…
Optical Link Card Design for the Phase II Upgrade of TileCal Experiment
This paper presents the design of an optical link card developed in the frame of the R&D activities for the phase 2 upgrade of the TileCal experiment. This board, that is part of the evaluation of different technologies for the final choice in the next years, is designed as a mezzanine that can work independently or be plugged in the optical multiplexer board of the TileCal backend electronics. It includes two SNAP 12 optical connectors able to transmit and receive up to 75 Gb/s and one SFP optical connector for lower speeds and compatibility with existing hardware as the read out driver. All processing is done in a Stratix II GX field-programmable gate array (FPGA). Details are given on th…
Algorithms for the ROD DSP of the ATLAS Hadronic Tile Calorimeter
In this paper we present the performance of two algorithms currently running in the Tile Calorimeter Read-Out Driver boards for the commissioning of ATLAS. The first algorithm presented is the so called Optimal Filtering. It reconstructs the deposited energy in the Tile Calorimeter and the arrival time of the data. The second algorithm is the MTag which tags low transverse momentum muons that may escape the ATLAS muon spectrometer first level trigger. Comparisons between online (inside the Read-Out Drivers) and offline implementations are done with an agreement around 99% for the reconstruction of the amplitude using the Optimal Filtering algorithm and a coincidende of 93% between the offli…
The sROD demonstrator for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Upgrade
This work presents the early design of the super Read-Out Driver (sROD) demonstrator board for the Tile Calorimeter Demonstrator project. This project aims to test the new readout electronics architecture for the Phase 2 Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter, replacing the front-end electronics of one complete drawer with the new electronics during the Long Shutdown 2013, in order to evaluate its performance. The sROD demonstrator board will receive and process data from 48 channels. Moreover the sROD demonstrator board will send preprocessed data to the present trigger system, and will transmit trigger control and timing information (TTC) and Detector Control System (DCS) commands to the f…
Signal integrity studies at optical multiplexer board for TileCal system
6 pages.-- ISI Article Identifier: 000253651800006
The ATLAS hadronic tile calorimeter: From construction toward-physics
ATLAS; The Tile Calorimeter, which constitutes the central section of the ATLAS hadronic calorimeter, is a non-compensating sampling device made of iron and scintillating tiles. The construction phase of the calorimeter is nearly complete, and most of the effort now is directed toward the final assembly and commissioning in the underground experimental hall. The layout of the calorimeter and the tasks carried out during construction are described, first with a brief reminder of the requirements that drove the calorimeter design. During the last few years a comprehensive test-beam program has been followed in order to establish the calorimeter electromagnetic energy scale, to study its unifo…
Optimal filtering algorithm implementation in FPGAs for the ATLAS TileCal Read-Out drivers
TileCal is the hadronic calorimeter of the ATLAS experiment in the LHC (CERN). Its Read-Out Drivers (RODs) process, in real time, the digitized information coming from the front-end electronics and send it to the Read-Out System. Data processing in the ROD boards is performed in Processing Unit Mezzanine Cards that use commercial DSPs to run the Optimal Filtering (OF) algorithms.