G. Zocholl

Funktionsangiographie der kniegelenknahen Arterien: Konsequenzen für die Stentimplantation?

Angiographic studies of the arteries adjoining the knee in 25 patients show extensive kinking and stenoses of the popliteal artery and less frequently of the distal femoral artery during flexion of the knee joint. This is due to the loss of elasticity with increasing age forcing the vessel into a tortuous course during shortening of the pathway of the popliteal artery with knee flexion. Independent of the principle of the different stents available they probably will not increase the contractility of the stented vessel in the longitudinal axis. It is to expect that after implantation of stents into the popliteal artery kinking will occur predominantly in the original segments of the vessel …

research product

Diagnostische Aussagekraft von Sonographie und Computertomographie bei Lebermetastasen

The diagnostic accuracy of sonography and computed tomography for detecting liver metastases was analysed in 526 patients with tumors and the findings were compared with those at laparotomy and at post mortem. The surgical protocols were analysed in respect of the primary tumour, the frequency of metastases and the number, localisation and size of metastases. A comparison of sonography and CT showed a higher sensitivity for CT (57.1%) compared with sonography (52.3%) although specificity was slightly higher for sonography. Liver metastases greater than 15 mm were detected by sonography (80.5%) and CT (92%), with much higher sensitivity. CT also proved superior, since the results depended le…

research product

Penetration eines Iliacaaneurysmas in die Beckenvene

research product

Das Verhalten der Kollateralen bei der perkutanen transluminalen Angioplastie

The fate of 106 collaterals was investigated following percutaneous transluminal dilatation of 113 stenoses and occlusions. Following dilatation, 78% of collaterals were unchanged and 22% could no longer be demonstrated. The success of the dilatation had no bearing on the fate of the collaterals. Collaterals beginning or ending in a dilated portion of vessel disappeared more frequently (30%) than the others (11%). Following five dilatations, some vessels were demonstrated in the area of stenosis, which had not been demonstrated previously. Evidently local events, such as displacement of arteriosclerotic plaques may lead to occlusion or reopening of vessels. Remaining collaterals may be of g…

research product

Eine neue Methode zur Messung der Skelettmuskeldurchblutung bei der arteriellen Verschlußkrankheit

Mit dem neu fur die Myokard-Szintigraphie eingefuhrten Radio-pharmakon „Cardiolite“ sind jetzt auch nichtinvasive Messungen der Durchblutung der Skelettmuskulatur mit geringer Strahlenbelastung moglich. In einer vom BGA zugelassenen Pilot-Studie uber-pruften wir die klinische Brauchbarkeit dieser theoretisch bestechenden Methode.

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Gefäßrekanalisation mit einem elektrischen Thermokauter-Katheter -In-vitro-Erfahrungen mit einem neuen Kathetersystem

Recanalisation of arteriosclerotic occlusions by means of laser angioplasty, Kensey catheter and the "hot tip" catheter is undergoing early, successful clinical trials. The thermo-cautery catheter described in this paper uses the well known technique of cutting with high frequency electric currents in order to achieve vascular recanalisation. Seven attempts were made to recanalise occlusions at post mortem; four were successful, but perforation occurred in three. Histologically we found a narrow rim of carbonisation of tissues surrounded by a zone of homogenisation and a transitional zone.

research product

Does velocity of dilatation influence the result of dilatation? A postmortem study.

We evaluated the influence of velocity of dilatation on the success of and the vascular damage produced by dilatation. Nonatheroslerotic segments of distal superficial femoral arteries were dilated "fast" (n = 69) or "slow" (n = 45) under standard conditions with balloon catheters. The arterial wall was overstretched between 1% and more than 60%. The success of dilatation rose continuously with increasing overstretching during dilatation. The damage to the arterial wall by dilatation increased discontinuously with increasing overstretching. Dilatation success and damage patterns did not differ in the "slow" and "fast" groups.

research product

Klinische Erfahrungen mit dem Kensey-Katheter-System - Komplikationen und Ergebnisse

Fifteen procedures have been carried out in 14 patients using the Kensey rotation angioplasty system. Sixteen occlusions of the superficial femoral artery, with an average length of 10.2 cm (3 to 24 cm) and one artery with multiple stenoses were treated. The following results were obtained: creation of a lumen, with subsequent balloon dilatation in eight out of fifteen procedures; in two patients the vessels were occluded shortly after the procedure, due to complications (one obstructive plaque and one haematoma); five perforations, three dissections and one peripheral embolus. The total complication rate was 11 out of 15 cases, clinical improvement was obtained in six out of 15 cases.

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