Elina Kalnina

Graphical Template Language for Transformation Synthesis

Higher-Order Transformations (HOT) have become an important support for the development of model transformations in various transformation languages. Most frequently HOTs are used to synthesize transformations from different kinds of models, for example, mapping models. This means that model driven development (MDD) is being successfully applied to transformations themselves too. The standard HOT solution is to create the transformation as a model using the abstract syntax. However, for graphical transformation languages a significantly more efficient solution would be to create the transformation using its graphical (concrete) syntax. An analogy could be the textual template languages such…

research product

Domain-Driven Reuse of Software Design Models

This chapter presents an approach to software development where model driven development and software reuse facilities are combined in a natural way. The basis for all of this is a semiformal requirements language RSL. The requirements in RSL consist of use cases refined by scenarios in a simple controlled natural language and the domain vocabulary containing the domain concepts. The chapter shows how model transformations building a platform independent model (PIM) can be applied directly to the requirements specified in RSL by domain experts. Further development of the software case (PSM, code) is also supported by transformations, which in addition ensure a rich traceability within the s…

research product

Saying Hello World with MOLA - A Solution to the TTC 2011 Instructive Case

This paper describes the solution of Hello World transformations in MOLA transformation language. Transformations implementing the task are relatively straightforward and easily inferable from the task specification. The required additional steps related to model import and export are also described.

research product

Concrete syntax-based find for graphical DSLs

There are services available in the most software tools we have got used to like, copy, paste, cut, find, and replace. However, the state of the art is not so good with tools of graphical languages. Even many commercial modelling tools have limited support of the find feature. We propose to add find as a service of graphical DSL tool development frameworks. This way find is available in any DSL built using the DSL tool development framework. The concrete syntax-based find has been implemented as a service of the DSL tool development framework ajoo. Two graph-based languages: UML Activity diagrams and Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) transition diagrams are used to demonstrate usage of th…

research product

A survey and comparison of transformation tools based on the transformation tool contest

Model transformation is one of the key tasks in model-driven engineering and relies on the efficient matching and modification of graph-based data structures; its sibling graph rewriting has been used to successfully model problems in a variety of domains. Over the last years, a wide range of graph and model transformation tools have been developed – all of them with their own particular strengths and typical application domains. In this paper, we give a survey and a comparison of the model and graph transformation tools that participated at the Transformation Tool Contest 2011. The reader gains an overview of the field and its tools, based on the illustrative solutions submitted to a Hello…

research product

Towards Concrete Syntax Based Find for Graphical Domain Specific Languages

One of the main reasons why Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) technologies including Domain-specific modelling languages (DSML) have not reached the expected acceptance in the industry is a poor tool support. One of the features with a limited support even in commercial modelling tools is search (find). Typically, MDE tools support only a simple keyword-based textual search functionality. The same is true for the tools built using Domain-specific language (DSL) tool definition frameworks. It is proposed to provide the concrete syntax-based find functionality as a service of a DSL tool definition framework. The find diagrams are defined in a concrete syntax of a DSL. A definition of a DSL is us…

research product

Behaviour modelling notation for information system design

Problems related to behaviour modelling within the platform independent model (PIM) during the model driven design are discussed in the paper. The emphasis is on design problems for information systems, especially on building a behaviour draft. At first issues in the traditional approach using sequence diagrams are discussed. Then a new approach based on activity diagrams is proposed. An extension of activity diagram notation specifically oriented towards comprehensive and readable behaviour design description is presented.

research product

DSL Based Platform for Business Process Management

Currently nearly all commercial and open source BPMS are based on BPMN as a process notation. In contrast, the paper proposes to build a BPMS based on a domain specific language (DSL) as a process notation – DSBPMS. In such a DSBPMS a specific business process support could be created by business analysts. A platform for creating such DSBPMS with feasible efforts is described. This platform contains a Configurator for easy creation of graphical editors for the chosen DSL and a simple mapping language for transforming processes in this DSL to a language directly executable by the execution engine of this platform. The engine includes also all typical execution support functions so no other t…

research product

Developing Software with Domain-Driven Model Reuse

This chapter presents an approach to software development where model-driven development and software reuse facilities are combined in a natural way. It shows how model transformations building a Platform Independent Model (PIM) can be applied directly to the requirements specified in RSL by domain experts. Further development of the software case (PSM, code) is also supported by transformations, which in addition ensure a rich traceability within the software case. Alternatively, the PSM model and code can also be generated directly from requirements in RSL, thus providing fast development of the final code of at least a system prototype in many situations. The reuse support relies on a si…

research product

Comprehensive System for Systematic Case-Driven Software Reuse

Reuse of software artifacts (blueprints and code) is normally associated with organising a systematic reuse framework most often constructed for a specific problem domain. In this paper we present a system (language, tool, reuse process) where software reuse is based on building and retrieving of so-called software cases (large compound artifacts) that can be reused between domains. The system is opportunistic in that software cases result from usual (non-reuse oriented) activities where also semantic information is added. This information is used to support regular development but may serve later to retrieve software cases. Having this common semantic basis, we can organise a systematic cr…

research product

DSL Tool Development with Transformations and Static Mappings

A tool development framework for domain-specific languages combining mapping and transformation based approaches is proposed in this research project. The combination of both approaches permits to use advantages and eliminate disadvantages as far as possible. First results are described including draft architecture for the framework implementing proposed ideas. A sketch of mapping definition facilities is presented. Initial implementation proposals are described as well. A template based graphical generation language Template MOLA for implementation algorithm description is introduced.

research product

Tree Based Domain-Specific Mapping Languages

Model transformation languages have been mainly used by researchers --- the software engineering industry has not yet widely accepted the model driven software development (MDSD). One of the main reasons is the complexity of metamodelling principles the developers are required to know to actually use model transformations in the way the OMG has stated. We offer the basic principles how to create domain-specific model transformation languages which can be used by developers relying only on familiar modelling concepts. We propose to use simple graphical mappings to specify the correspondence between source and target models which are represented using trees based on the concrete syntax of und…

research product

From Requirements to Code in a Model Driven Way

Though there is a lot of support for model driven development the support for complete model driven path from requirements to code is limited. The approach proposed in this paper offers such a path which is fully supported by model transformations. The starting point is semiformal requirements containing behaviour description in a controlled natural language. A chain of models is proposed including analysis, platform independent and platform specific models. A particular architecture style is chosen by means of selecting a set of appropriate design patterns for these models. It is shown how to define informally and then implement in model transformation language MOLA the required transforma…

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