C Santoro

Health status and quality of life of elderly persons with severe hemophilia born before the advent of modern replacement therapy

SUMMARY BACKGROUND: More and more people with severe hemophilia reach an old age thanks to an effective treatment. There is no information on the health status and quality of life of elderly people with hemophilia born at a time when replacement therapy was hardly available. METHODS: Italian patients with severe hemophilia, aged >or=65 years and hence born in 1942 or earlier, were compared with elderly men without bleeding disorders matched for age, sex, geography and social status. The following aspects were evaluated: concomitant illness, orthopedic status, physical functioning and cognitive status. Measurements of generic and disease-specific health-related quality of life were also obta…

research product

Pre-ART HIV-1 DNA in CD4+ T cells correlates with baseline viro-immunological status and outcome in patients under first-line ART

Objectives We evaluated the association between pre-ART HIV DNA and HIV-infected participant characteristics at baseline as well as with their response to first-line ART. Methods Four hundred and thirty-three patients from the ICONA cohort, starting first-line ART after the year 2000, were analysed. Pre-ART HIV DNA was quantified with the modified COBAS TaqMan HIV-1 Test and normalized by CD4+ T cells. Linear correlation between pre-ART HIV DNA and other continuous markers (HIV RNA, CD4 count, markers of inflammation and coagulation) at baseline was evaluated by means of Pearson correlation coefficient and a linear regression model. Survival analyses and Cox regression models were used to s…

research product

Efficacy and tolerability of switching to a dual therapy with darunavir/ritonavir plus raltegravir in HIV-infected patients with HIV-1 RNA ≤50 cp/mL

Background: Nucleos(t)ide reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI) toxicity may represent a threat for long-term success of combined antiretroviral therapy. Some studies have suggested a possible improvement of NRTI-related toxicity after switching to NRTI-sparing regimens. Objectives: We aimed to explore the efficacy and tolerability of switching to darunavir/ritonavir (DRV/r) plus raltegravir (RAL) while having a viral load (VL) ≤50 copies/mL in the clinical setting. Study design: Treatment-experienced HIV 1-infected patients enrolled in the ICONA Foundation Study cohort were included if they switched their current regimen to DRV/r + RAL with a HIV-RNA ≤50 copies/mL. Different defin…

research product

Combined use of antifibrinolytics and activated prothrombin complex concentrate (aPCC) is not related to thromboembolic events in patients with acquired haemophilia A: data from FAIR Registry

Antifibrinolytics combined with aPCC are not routinely administered to patients with acquired hemophilia A due to increased thrombotic risk. This association normalizes clot stability, and improves the efficacy of therapy, but can increase the risk of severe side effects. Due to these premises it has always raised doubts and perplexities in the clinics. We now report the data of the "FEIBA® on acquired haemophilia A Italian Registry (FAIR Registry)", a retrospective-prospective study that included 56 patients. This is the first study that assessed the clinical response of the combination of aPCC and antifibrinolytic agents in patients with acquired haemophilia A. A total of 101 acute bleeds…

research product

The progression rate of aortic stenosis: key to tailoring the management and potential target for treatment

: Aortic stenosis is the most frequent valvular disease to require intervention in the western world and has always been featured as a progressive disease. The rate of progression can be assessed by carefully performed Doppler echocardiography and can vary greatly between individuals with a profound impact on prognosis. Unfortunately, the determinants of disease progression had been insufficiently studied and remain challenging to define, particularly in the outpatient setting. Multiple factors have been proposed and tested, but at present, there are no proven therapies to slow the course of the stenotic process. Heart valve clinics may be particularly important to define the progression ra…

research product