G. Kemoun
A comprehensive fracture prevention strategy in older adults : The European union geriatric medicine society (EUGMS) statement
Published also in Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, Vol.28, No.4, WOS: 000379034800030 Prevention of fragility fractures in older people has become a public health priority, although the most appropriate and cost-effective strategy remains unclear. In the present statement, the Interest group on falls and fracture prevention of the European union geriatric medicine society (EUGMS), in collaboration with the International association of gerontology and geriatrics for the European region (IAGG-ER), the European union of medical specialists (EUMS), the Fragility fracture network (FFN), the International osteoporosis foundation (IOF) - European society for clinical and economic aspects …
Walking Stroop carpet: an innovative dual-task concept for detecting cognitive impairment
A Perrochon,1,2,5 G Kemoun,1,2 E Watelain,3,4 A Berthoz51ISIS, Research Institute on Handicap and Aging, Paris; 2Université de Poitiers, Laboratoire Mobilité, Vieillissement et Exercice (MOVE), EA 6314, 3Université de Valenciennes, LAMIH, UMR CNRS 8201, 4Université Sud Toulon Var, HandiBio, EA 4322, La Garde, 5LPPA, UMR CNRS 7152, Collège de France, Paris, FranceBackground: Several studies have reported the potential value of the dual-task concept during locomotion in clinical evaluation because cognitive decline is strongly associated with gait abnormalities. However, current dual-task tests appear to be insufficient for early diagnosi…