Cyrus Khaledpour
Simultaneous bilateral occurrence of a M. extensor digiti medii and a M. extensor digitorum brevis.
Summary For the first time, the simultaneous and bilateral occurrence of two variants of the extensors of the fingers, M. extensor digiti medii and M. extensor digitorum brevis, is reported. The extensor of the middle finger arises from the distal fourth of the radius and runs to the base of the proximal phalanx. The short extensor of the fingers arises from the metacarpal region and inserts into the dorsal aponeurosis. Both muscles are innervated by the R. profundus n. radialis.
Circadian variations of ?synaptic? bodies in the pineal glands of Brattleboro rats
The function of the mammalian pineal gland is regulated primarily by the sympathetic system. Arginine-vasopressin (AVP) may also be involved in the regulation of pineal melatonin synthesis under experimental conditions. The present study was conducted in the AVP-deficient rat strain, the Brattleboro rat, to investigate whether the numbers and rhythms of pineal "synaptic" bodies in this strain are different from those found in intact rats. AVP or its non-vasoconstrictive analog, deamino-D-AVP, was also injected intra-arterially in Brattleboro or Sprague-Dawley rats to test whether this procedure influences "synaptic" body numbers. Brattleboro rats were killed at different time-points through…