Julia Garayoa
CP Violation in the SUSY Seesaw: Leptogenesis and Low Energy
We suppose that the baryon asymmetry is produced by thermal leptogenesis (with flavour effects), at temperatures $\sim 10^{9} - 10^{10}$ GeV, in the supersymmetric seesaw with universal and real soft terms. The parameter space is restricted by assuming that $l_\alpha \to l_\beta \gamma$ processes will be seen in upcoming experiments. We study the sensitivity of the baryon asymmetry to the phases of the lepton mixing matrix, and find that leptogenesis can work for any value of the phases. We also estimate the contribution to the electric dipole moment of the electron, arising from the seesaw, and find that it is (just) beyond the sensitivity of next generation experiments ($\lsim 10^{-29} e$…
Neutrino mass hierarchy and Majorana CP phases within the Higgs triplet model at the LHC
Neutrino masses may be generated by the VEV of an $SU(2)_L$ Higgs triplet. We assume that the doubly charged component of such a triplet has a mass in the range of several 100 GeV, such that it is accessible at LHC. Its decay into like-sign leptons provides a clean experimental signature, which allows for a direct test of the neutrino mass matrix. By exploring the branching ratios of this decay into leptons of various flavours, we show that within this model the type of the neutrino mass spectrum (normal, inverted or quasi-degenerate) might actually be resolved at the LHC. Furthermore, we show that within the Higgs triplet model for neutrino mass the decays of the doubly charged scalar into…
Links between CP violation in leptogenesis and low energy supersymmetry
The seesaw mechanism makes leptogenesis a very attractive solution to the baryon asymmetry problem. If the baryon asymmetry of the Universe (BAU) was made via leptogenesis, any observation of CP violation in the lepton sector, for instance CP violation in neutrino oscillations, would support leptogenesis by demonstrating that CP is not a symmetry of leptons. The question is whether a stronger link exists between CP violation at low energies and leptogenesis. In our work we address this question, in the framework of a supersymmetric scenario where new constraints given by the low energy footprints of the high energy theory can be imposed, namely the current experimental bounds on lepton flav…
Insensitivity of leptogenesis with flavour effects to low energy leptonic CP violation
If the baryon asymmetry of the Universe is produced by leptogenesis, CP violation is required in the lepton sector. In the seesaw extension of the standard model with three hierarchical right-handed neutrinos, we show that the baryon asymmetry is insensitive to the Pontecorvo-Maki-Nagakawa-Sakata phases: thermal leptogenesis can work for any value of the observable phases. This result was well known when there were no flavor effects in leptogenesis; we show that it remains true when flavor effects are included.
Soft leptogenesis in the inverse seesaw model
We consider leptogenesis induced by soft supersymmetry breaking terms ("soft leptogenesis"), in the context of the inverse seesaw mechanism. In this model there are lepton number (L) conserving and L-violating soft supersymmetry-breaking B-terms involving the singlet sneutrinos which, together with the -- generically small-- L-violating parameter responsible of the neutrino mass, give a small mass splitting between the four singlet sneutrino states of a single generation. In combination with the trilinear soft supersymmetry breaking terms they also provide new CP violating phases needed to generate a lepton asymmetry in the singlet sneutrino decays. We obtain that in this scenario the lepto…