Christopher Borgmann
Mass spectrometry and decay spectroscopy of isomers across the Z=82 shell closure
Recent results from a measurement campaign studying the isomerism in neutron-deficient Tl isotopes are presented. The measurements make use of a nuclear spectroscopy setup coupled to the high-resolution Penning-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP at CERN's radioactive ion-beam facility ISOLDE. The mass values of 190,194Tl are improved and a mass-spin-state assignment is carried out. An additional mass measurement of the grandparent nuclide 198At allows the deduction of the spin-state ordering in 190Tl. As a result, the excitation energies of the isomers in both Tl isotopes are determined for the first time to Eex(194Tl)=260(15) keV and E ex(190Tl)=89(12) keV. Furthermore, this allows anchoring …
Recent Exploits of the ISOLTRAP Mass Spectrometer
Abstract The Penning-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP, located at the isotope-separator facility ISOLDE (CERN), is presented in its current form taking into account technical developments since 2007. Three areas of developments are presented. The reference ion sources have been modified to guarantee a sufficient supply of reference ions for mass measurements and systematic studies. Different excitation schemes have been investigated for manipulation of the ion motion in the Penning trap, to enhance either the purification or measurement process. A multi-reflection time-of-flight mass separator has been implemented and can now be routinely used for purification and as a versatile tool for bea…
Surveying the N=40 island of inversion with new manganese masses
High-precision mass measurements of neutron-rich 57−66Mn and 61−63Fe isotopes are reported. The new mass surface shows no shell closure at N=40. In contrast, there is an increase of the two-neutron separation energy at N=38. This behavior is consistent with the onset of collectivity due to the occupation of intruder states from higher orbits, in analogy with the well known “island of inversion” around N=20. Our results indicate that the neutron-rich Mn isotopes, starting from 63Mn, are most likely within the new island of inversion. From the new mass surface, we evaluate the empirical proton-neutron interaction and the pairing gap, both playing a significant role in the structural changes i…
Buffer-gas-free mass-selective ion centering in Penning traps by simultaneous dipolar excitation of magnetron motion and quadrupolar excitation for interconversion between magnetron and cyclotron motion
A new excitation scheme of the radial ion-motional modes is introduced for Penning-trap ion-cyclotron-resonance experiments. By simultaneous dipolar excitation of the magnetron motion and resonant quadrupolar excitation for the conversion between magnetron motion and cyclotron motion, a mass-selective recentering of the ions of interest is performed while all other (contaminant) ions are ejected from the trap. This new technique does not rely on the application of a buffer gas as presently used [G. Savard, St. Becker, G. Bollen, H.-J. Kluge, R.B. Moore, Th. Otto, L Schweikhard, H. Stolzenberg, U. Wiess, Physics Letters A 158 (1991) 247] and will thus prevent charge-exchange reactions and da…
Charge radii and electromagnetic moments of At195–211
Hyperfine-structure parameters and isotope shifts of At195-211 have been measured for the first time at CERN-ISOLDE, using the in-source resonance-ionization spectroscopy method. The hyperfine structures of isotopes were recorded using a triad of experimental techniques for monitoring the photo-ion current. The Multi-Reflection Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer, in connection with a high-resolution electron multiplier, was used as an ion-counting setup for isotopes that either were affected by strong isobaric contamination or possessed a long half-life; the ISOLDE Faraday cups were used for cases with high-intensity beams; and the Windmill decay station was used for short-lived, predominantl…