Pierre Curmi
Changement d’usage réglementaire du sol. Comment sélectionner les zones à préserver ?
Agrosup SPE EA EcolDur CT4 EJ3; National audience
Relationships between earthworm communities and burrow numbers under different land use systems
International audience; This study addresses the influence of three different land use systems (continuous maize, pasture/maize rotation, permanent pasture) on the relationships between earthworm populations and the number of earthworm burrows quantified in a soil profile. Quantified burrows were limited to those observable by the naked eye (i.e. >2 mm in diameter) and enumerated earthworms were limited to those which could have created the observable burrows (i.e. >0.3 g). The results were combined with data from the literature coming from different geographical regions. This study showed that earthworm abundance decreased with the increasing land management intensity (maize crop vs. pastu…
Élevage et forêt sur la montagne dijonnaise à la fin du Moyen Âge. Deux établissements forestiers d’éleveurs en Terre de Saint-Seine Saint-Martin-du-Mont (Côte d’Or)
International audience
Etude et gestion des processus biogéochimiques couplant les cycles du carbone et de l'azote à l'origine de la libération de composés polluants, du sol vers les compartiments eau et air de l'environnement
Vineyard soils and landscapes of the Burgundy Côte (France): a historical construction worth preserving
International audience; The construction of vineyard landscapes along the Burgundy Côte is the result of geological processes and of human labour. Substratum diversity in this vineyard is the result of a very long history explained by the diversity of Jurassic sedimentary facies and Tertiary tectonic activity. The nature and thickness of Quaternary deposits (Weichselian scree debris and alluvial fans) reflect sediment dynamics concurrent with the last glaciation. As soon as humans started to occupy and cultivate these slopes, the changes they made in the land through crop development and roads began to structure the vineyard plots in a lasting way. The footprint of vine work in soils can be…
Caractérisation et fonctionnement physico-hydrique des sols viticoles bourguignons. Rôle de l’homme dans la construction des terroirs
Des opérations de recherches interdisciplinaires sont conduites – en associant pédologues, archéologues, géomorphologues et professionnels – sur les sols viticoles bourguignons pour permettre de développer une viticulture de précision durable. Trois thématiques sont abordées : (i) la cartographie à haute résolution de la diversité des sols viticoles permettant de faire la part des processus naturels et de l’action de l’homme incluant les pas de temps longs (plusieurs siècles) sur la formation des sols et leur fonctionnement actuel (4, 5) ; (ii) le régime hydrique des sols viticoles qui détermine l’alimentation en eau de la vigne et la qualité du produit : un stress hydrique modéré favorisan…
Spatial analysis of within-vineyard grape vine sensitivity to solar irradiance patterns. A case study using pinot noir in a complex terrain
14225; International audience; We analyze how the patterns of the solar irradiance affect the growth of Pinot noir grapevines at stand-scale over a hilly terrain bounded by a coniferous forest. The study area is located on the “Vineyard Cost” that produce some of the best wines of the Burgundy region. The work is based on i) a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and ii) the joint use of both irradiance and phenological models. Results show that the patterns of irradiance deficit are the primary driving force of the growth. Linear trends display good correlation between the total deficit of irradiance, and the developped growth index (R2 up to 0.96). Trends appear strongly modulated by posit…
International audience; In Burgundy, vineyards present a high diversity of Terroirs, controlled by complex interactions between natural and human factors. The relationship between these factors leads to define wine typicity. However, a better understanding of how Terroirs have been defined is necessary for the sustainable, rational management of vineyard soils.The objectives of the study are (i) to identify Terroirs variability in vineyards of Burgundy (France) at hillslope scale and (ii) to highlight natural (soil, substratum) and anthropogenic factors (management practices) controlling Terroir diversity.To study Terroir at a fine scale, we developed a method based on a very high spatial r…
Extraction d'éléments traces métalliques à partir de pains libanais et évaluation du danger de ces mélanges
Parmi les éléments traces métalliques (ETM) qui peuvent être présents dans les aliments, certains sont connus comme étant toxiques et doivent faire l’objet d’une surveillance accrue. En ce qui concerne la sécurité sanitaire, il semble pertinent d’étudier le cas du pain, qui représente une part majoritaire de la ration journalière de la population libanaise. Dans une étude précédente, l’Institut de Recherche sur l’Agriculture Libanaise (IRAL) a déterminé la présence de plusieurs ETM (arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, chrome, mercure, nickel et plomb) dans le pain libanais. Bien que la toxicité de chaque ETM soit connue individuellement, il est important de tester la toxicité de ce mélange d’ETM, pré…
L'adaptation au changement climatique en Bourgogne. une approche partenariale et pluridisciplinaire
Mapping soil and substratum at a very high spatial resolution in the hillslope of Couchey (France)
International audience; In this work, we present a method based on very high spatial resolution (VHSR) aerial images acquired in the visible domain and that map soil surface diversity at the hillslope scale with a spatial resolution of a few centimeters. This method combines aerial VHSR image classification with local soil sampling. Principal component analysis (PCA) and non-supervised classification was performed on image characteristics to define soil surface characteristic classes (SSC). Then soil surface mapping was combined with soil surface descriptions and soil profiles to define soil types by physical and chemical characteristics. As soil results from parent material alteration, ide…