Amador Calafat
Which parenting style is more protective against adolescent substance use? Evidence within the European context
BACKGROUND: This study examines whether authoritative parenting style (characterized by warmth and strictness) is more protective against adolescent substances use than authoritarian (strictness but not warmth), indulgent (warmth but not strictness) and neglectful (neither warmth nor strictness) parenting styles. Emergent research in diverse cultural contexts (mainly Southern European and Latin American countries) questions the fact that authoritative would always be the optimum parenting style. DESIGN: Multi-factorial MANOVAs. PARTICIPANTS: A sample of 7718 adolescents, 3774 males (48.9%), 11-19 year-olds (M=14.63 year-olds, SD=1.9 years) from Sweden, United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, Slove…
Co-Citation Analysis of Articles Published in Substance Abuse Journals: Intellectual Structure and Research Fields (2001-2012).
The purpose of this study is to introduce a new methodology in the field of substance abuse, namely, co-citation analysis, which uses the bibliographic references of publications to establish the main thematic areas being researched and to identify the seminal documents that have contributed to establishing the intellectual foundation of the discipline at the present time.We identified all bibliographic references that were cited in documents published in the substance abuse journals included in the Journal Citation Reports in the 2001-2012 period, generating a co-citation matrix. This matrix was used to perform a co-citation network analysis.The co-citation network analysis led to the iden…
Alcohol use and abuse and motivations for drinking and non-drinking among Spanish adolescents: do we know enough when we know parenting style?
Objective: We examine parenting styles (characterized by warmth and strictness, i.e., neglectful, indulgent, authoritarian and authoritative) as either a protective or risk factor for adolescence d...
Core research areas on addiction in Spain through the Web of Science bibliographic coupling analysis (2000-2013)
En el presente estudio se han identificado los principales núcleos de la investigación española en el área de las adicciones a través del estudio de los enlaces bibliográficos, en las publicaciones bajo el epígrafe ‘Substance abuse’ de la Web of Science. Este procedimiento analítico determina la proximidad temático-intelectual de los documentos objeto de estudio a partir de la identificación de la bibliografía común compartida o citada simultáneamente. Se ha efectuado un análisis factorial y un análisis de redes para agrupar los documentos, representar gráficamente los núcleos de investigación existentes y analizar las interrelaciones entre los mismos. Se han identificado 30 núcleos de inve…