Effect of climate and vegetation on soil organic carbon, humus fractions, allophanes, imogolite, kaolinite, and oxyhydroxides in volcanic soils of Etna (Sicily).
A soil sequence along an elevational gradient ranging from subtropical to subalpine climate zones in the Etna region (Sicily, southern Italy) was investigated with respect to organic C, kaolinite, and crystalline to noncrystalline Al and Fe phases. Special emphasis was given to the stabilization of soil organic carbon (SOC) and its interaction with the inorganic phases. The soils were variations of Vitric Andosols that developed on a trachy-basaltic lava flow with an age of 15,000 years. Two main vegetation systems dominated the sites: at the lower sites, it was mainly maquis vegetation and, at the higher elevated sites, predominantly coniferous forest. The concentration of SOC in the topso…