V Vihko

Autophagic response to strenuous exercise in mouse skeletal muscle fibers.

Strenuous physical exercise induces necrosis of skeletal muscle fibers and increases lysosomal enzyme activities in surviving muscle fibers. This study examines the ultrastructural basis of the stimulation of the lysosomal system in mouse vastus medialis muscle during the appearance and repair of exercise-induced (9 h of running) injuries. Necrotic fibers appeared the day after exercise and an inflammatory response with the replacement of necrotic fibers by phagocytes was highest 2-3 days after exertion. Ultrastructural study of surviving muscle fibers revealed numerous autophagic vacuoles, residual bodies, and spheromembranous structures at the periphery of myofibers, especially in fibers …

research product

The effects of cold and glucagon on lipolysis, glycogenolysis and oxygen consumption in young chicks.

Abstract 1. 1. To study the possible role of glucagon in avian thermoregulation the effects of cold exposure and glucagon on lipolysis, glycogenolysis and oxygen consumption were measured in young chicks. 2. 2. Cold exposure (+10°C) and glucagon injection (0·3 mg/kg, i.p. at +30°C) both caused a marked increase in the plasma FFA and a decrease in the liver glycogen content. 3. 3. It is suggested that glucagon possibly acts in the avian thermoregulation by producing at least lipolysis and glycogenolysis during cold exposure.

research product

Energy reserves of the capercaillie Tetrao urogallus in finlan

Abstract 1. 1. The size of energy reserves, distribution of fat stores and the fatty acid composition of subcutaneous and pericardial adipose tissue of capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) were studied in 12 adult birds shot in Sept.–Oct. and in 8 birds shot in March. Furthermore 4 captive birds were killed in Sept. 2. 2. A capercaillie male can maintain or even increase its body weight during winter, but as shown in the present work it is not a result of increased fat content. 3. 3. In general, capercaillie seems to contain more stored energy in the form of fat than other tetraonids so far studied, except Svalbard ptarmigan. 4. 4. In males total fat content in percentage of body weight varied o…

research product