S. Pérez-alenda
Hemofilia: ejercicio y deporte
El ejercicio físico y el deporte constituyen uno de los pilares básicos en el tratamiento de la hemofilia. Este trabajo describe un resumen de las características de la hemofilia y, a través de una exhaustiva revisión bibliográfica, se analiza la importancia de la condición física, en relación con la prevención y el tratamiento de las lesiones musculoesqueléticas en el paciente hemofílico. La hemofilia es una enfermedad hematológica hereditaria, con lesiones ortopédicas características. Afecta a individuos varones y presenta un déficit de factores de la coagulación que provoca hemorragias incluso espontáneas (en pacientes graves sin tratamiento). Las lesiones más frecuentes son: hemartrosis…
Sporting Activities and Quality of Life in Children With Hemophilia: An Observational Study.
Sports activities are part of multidisciplinary treatments in people with hemophilia. Aim: The objective of this study was to assess the incidence of sports activities in the quality of life as perceived by children with hemophilia. Methods: A total of 53 children with hemophilia aged 7 to 13 years and 51 children without hemophilia were evaluated. The perception of quality of life, clinical variables, and the frequency of sports activities were registered. The joint condition of patients with hemophilia was measured with the Spanish version of the Haemophilia Joint Health Score. Results: There were no significant differences in the perception of quality of life between children with hemoph…