Investigating marine shallow waters dynamics to explore the role of turbidity on ecological responses
The ecological tangible effect of the complex interaction between sediments and water column in shallow waters is represented by turbidity which is a common feature of most aquatic ecosystems: it varies both temporally and spatially; it can cover a huge area and persist for a long period or it can be very localized and temporary. Among many factors able to generate turbidity, wind generated wave action and water mass movements due to tides seem important in causing resuspension of sediments. Although there is much research spent in last decades on this topic and many models to explain the complexity of the wind-water-sediment interaction, some interactive aspects are too site specific and t…
The impact of climate change on Mediterranean intertidal communities: losses in coastal ecosystem integrity and services
As has been shown for other ecosystems, the ecological and socio-economic impacts of climate change on Mediterranean intertidal habitats are highly variable in space and time. We conducted field and laboratory measurements of cellular, ecophysiological and behavioural responses of selected intertidal invertebrates (mussels, gastropods and sponges) and completed a literature review to determine what is known of socioeconomic consequences of these biological changes. Results suggest significant gaps in our knowledge that may impede a complete understanding of likely impacts (physical, biological, and socioeconomic) and that sufficient data for such an analysis is available only for mussels. A…
The fouling community as an indicator of fish farming impact in Mediterranean
Fouling species richness, abundance and composition and biomass were chosen as the descriptors of effect of fish farm organic enrichment. The study was carried out in September 2004 in the Gulf of Castellammare (South Tyrrhenian, Mediterranean). The fouling species were sampled from plastic buoys spaced throughout the study area both up- [UP] and down-stream [DOWN]. The results showed that fouling community responded to the chronic input of allochthonous organic matter experiencing local changes more or less significantly with regard to abundance, species composition and general community diversity. Upper fouling would work as a first filter naturally opposed by environment resistance assim…