U Schönfeld

Treatment of Ménière's disease by low-dosage intratympanic gentamicin application: effect on otolith function.

Objectives: The intratympanic application of a low dosage of gentamicin is increasingly favored as treatment for Meniere's disease. While posttreatment observations have confirmed a long-term success of the therapy of vertigo attacks, clear differences in the posttreatment recovery interval can be observed. In addition to differences in central-vestibular compensation, the degree of peripheral vestibular damage, i.e., to the saccule, utricle, and semicircular canal ampullae, varies among patients. This study provides comprehensive pre- and posttreatment results from unilateral functional tests of the individual vestibular receptors and of the cochlea in patients with Meniere's disease. Stud…

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Evidence of unilateral isolated utricular hypofunction

The findings demonstrate that an enduring unilateral utricular dysfunction, possibly together with canal hypofunction, can occur after labyrinthine disease or injury. They also suggest that unilateral, isolated utricular dysfunction - or utricle paresis - can occur, representing a novel entity in the differential diagnosis of peripheral vestibular function. The occurrence of subjective visual vertical (SVV) asymmetry in the presence of symmetric vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMPs) also confirms that the information from the utricles, rather than the saccules, dominates SVV estimation.To determine the incidence of unilateral utricular hypofunction.The retrospective clinical study d…

research product

Testing utricular function by means of on-axis rotation

Subjective visual vertical (SVV) estimation during on-axis rotation provides an efficient screening test of utricle function. The survey demonstrates that isolated disorders of peripheral utricular function can occur while SCC function appears normal.The present study aimed to investigate estimation of SVV during constant velocity yaw rotation (with the head held on-axis--to enhance any asymmetry between right and left utricular responses), as a useful screening test.In all, 230 patients were recruited from the dizziness clinic. For each patient, the SVV was estimated (a) while held stationary, and (b) during constant angular velocity (240 degrees/s), with the head centred on-axis. Bitherma…

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