Complexus adhaerentes, a new group of desmoplakin-containing junctions in endothelial cells: II. Different types of lymphatic vessels.
Abstract In diverse mammalian species, including (man, cow and rat) the very flat endothelial cells of lymphatic vessels of various organs, including the retothelial meshwork of sinus of lymph nodes, are connected by zonula -like plaque-bearing junctions which differ from the similarly structured junctions of blood vessel endothelia by the presence of desmoplakin or an as yet unknown but closely related plaque protein. These extended junctions, which also contain plakoglobin but none of the presently known desmogleins and desmocollins, are therefore different from the spot-like desmosomes ( maculae adhaerentes ) present in epithelia, myocardium and dendritic reticulum cells of lymphatic fol…