Outi Pippuri

Creating Corpora of Finland’s Sign Languages

This paper discusses the process of creating corpora of the sign languages used in Finland, Finnish Sign Language (FinSL) and Finland-Swedish Sign Language (FinSSL). It describes the process of getting informants and data, editing and storing the data, the general principles of annotation, and the creation of a web-based lexical database, the FinSL Signbank, developed on the basis of the NGT Signbank, which is a branch of the Auslan Signbank. The corpus project of Finland’s Sign Languages (CFINSL) started in 2014 at the Sign Language Centre of the University of Jyväskylä. Its aim is to collect conversations and narrations from 80 FinSL users and 20 FinSSL users who are living in different p…

research product

Suomalaisten julkisuuden henkilöiden viittomanimiä ja niiden nimenantoperusteita

Henkilöiden viittomanimet vastaavat puhuttujen kielten erisnimiä ja niillä on erilaisia nimenantoperusteita. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millaisia viittomanimiä suomalaisista julkisuuden henkilöistä käytetään ja millä perusteella julkisuuden henkilöt ovat viittomanimensä saaneet eli millaisia nimenantoperusteita on löydettävissä. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena viitekehyksenä toimii pääasiassa Päivi Rainòn (2004) väitöskirja Henkilöviittomien synty ja kehitys suomalaisessa viittomakieliyhteisössä, jossa hän on selvittänyt, millä perusteilla suomalaisen viittomakieliyhteisön jäsenet ovat viittomanimensä saaneet. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu 24 eri-ikäisen viittomakielisen henkilön p…

research product

Annotated Video Corpus of FinSL with Kinect and Computer-Vision Data

This paper presents an annotated video corpus of Finnish Sign Language (FinSL) to which has been appended Kinect and computer-vision data. The video material consists of signed retellings of the stories Snowman and Frog, where are you?, elicited from 12 native FinSL signers in a dialogue setting. The recordings were carried out with 6 cameras directed toward the signers from different angles, and 6 signers were also recorded with one Kinect motion and depth sensing input device. All the material has been annotated in ELAN for signs, translations, grammar and prosody. To further facilitate research into FinSL prosody, computer-vision data describing the head movements and the aperture change…

research product

Taking non-manuality into account in collecting and analyzing Finnish Sign Language video data

This paper describes our attention to research into non-manuals when collecting a large body of video data in Finnish Sign Language (FinSL). We will first of all give an overview of the data-collecting process and of the choices that we made in order for the data to be usable in research into non-manual activity (e.g. camera arrangement, video compression, and Kinect technology). Secondly, the paper will outline our plans for the analysis of the non-manual features of this data. We discuss the technological methods we plan to use in our investigation of non-manual features (i.e. computer-vision based methods) and give examples of the type of results that this kind of approach can provide us…

research product