Inese Martinsone
SIA "Globuss A" mārketinga procesa pilnveidošana.
Kvalifikācijas darbā par tēmu ““SIA ”Globuss A” mārketinga procesa pilnveidošana” tika analizēti uzņēmuma mārketinga esošie pasākumi un formulēti pasākumi to pilnveidošanai. Kvalifikācijas darbs sastāv no 4 daļām. Pirmajā daļā apskatīti vispārīgie mārketinga jēdzieni un tā pamatelementi. Otrajā daļā tiek apskatīts uzņēmuma raksturojums un darbības principi. Trešajā daļā apskatīts uzņēmuma tirgus segmentēšana un mērķa tirgus noteikšana. Ceturtajā daļā tiek analizēti uzņēmuma mārketinga pasākumi un to efektivitāte. Darbs sastāv no 58 lappusēm, tajā ir 18 attēli, 4 tabulas, 21 izmantotās literatūras avoti, 3 pielikumi. Atslēgvārdi: mārketings, konkurētspēja, mērķtirgus, tirdzniecība.
In vitro impact preliminary assessment of airborne particulate from metalworking and woodworking industries.
Abstract BackgroundInhalation is the main route of exposure to airborne pollutants. To evaluate the safety and assess the risks of occupational hazards different testing approaches are used. 3D airway epithelial tissues allow to mimic exposure conditions in vitro, generates human-relevant toxicology data, allows to elucidate mode of action of pollutants. ResultsGilian 3500 pumps equipped with Standard Midget Impingers were used to collect the airborne particulate from woodworking and metalworking environments. EpiAirway™ tissues were used to model half working day (4 h), full working day (8 h), and 3 working day exposures to occupational pollutants. Tissue viability was assessed using MTT a…
Milk as an Essential Source of Iodine in Latvian Population
Abstract Milk and dairy products are studied as alternative iodine sources, because salt iodisation is controversial due to high salt consumption leading to cardiovascular diseases. However, the iodine concentration in milk markedly varies. This study evaluated the iodine concentration in cow’s milk available in the Latvian market. Iodine and fat concentration was analysed with a spectrophotometer “Varian Cary 50” based ISO 2446:2008 in 20 milk samples. Data from the Central Statistical Bureau and survey among pregnant women were used to analyse milk product consumption and its impact on iodine status. Average iodine concentration in milk samples was 457.6 (179.6) μg/L, winter samples had a…