F Iovino
Raccordo tra pianificazione forestale e pianificazione antincendi boschivi.
Il lavoro esamina le relazioni tra pianificazione forestale a livello regionale e locale(PFR e piani di assestamento forestale) e la relativa pianificazione antincendio. in particolare si evidenzia l'importanza della relazione con il livello locale nella programmazione di azioni selvicolturali volte a diminuire il livello di rischio e gestire il combustibile, nella possibilità di aumentare la resilienza dei sistemi.
Efficient killing of human colon cancer stem cells by gammadelta T lymphocytes
Colon cancer comprises a small population of cancer stem cells (CSC) that is responsible for tumor maintenance and resistant to cancer therapies, possibly allowing for tumor recapitulation once treatment stops. We previously demonstrated that such chemoresistance is mediated by autocrine production of IL-4 through the up-regulation of antiapoptotic proteins. Several innate and adaptive immune effector cells allow for the recognition and destruction of cancer precursors before they constitute the tumor mass. However, cellular immune-based therapies have not been experimented yet in the population of CSCs. Here, we show that the bisphosphonate zoledronate sensitizes colon CSCs to Vgamma9Vdelt…
NF-kappaB protects Behcet's disease T cells against CD95-induced apoptosis up-regulating antiapoptotic proteins
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether prolongation of the inflammatory reaction in patients with Behçet's disease (BD) is related to apoptosis resistance and is associated with the up-regulation of antiapoptotic factors. METHODS: The percentage of cell death was evaluated by flow cytometry in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 35 patients with BD and 30 healthy volunteers. The expression levels of antiapoptotic factors and NF-kappaB regulatory proteins were measured using Western blotting and immunohistochemical analyses. To down-regulate NF-kappaB nuclear translocation, BD T lymphocytes were exposed in vitro to thalidomide and subjected to transfection with NF-kappaB small interfering RNA. …