S Cappello

Isolation, identification and metabolic characterization of hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria from a polluted harbour in Sicily (Italy)

The petrochemical site of Priolo-Augusta-Melilli (Sicily, Italy), is a Site of National Interest (SIN) due to high levels of environmental contamination of the coastline and a specific "national program of environmental remediation and restoration" was developed in order to allow remediation and restoration of contaminated sites. In order to identify the key hydrocarbon degraders and explore the natural bioremediation potential of the contaminated area, a total of six sediment and sea water cores were collected inside the Priolo Harbour (SR, Italy). After biological (bacterial counts, PCR-DGGE) and chemical-physical characterization (quali-, quantitative measures of hydrocarbons and heavy m…

research product

Blue biotechnology: enhancement of bioremediation using bacterial biofilms on biodegradable scaffolds

Petroleum hydrocarbons are still the most threatening environmental pollutants. A promising non invasive and low-cost technology for the treatment of contaminated sites is based on bioremediation by biodegrading microorganism endowed with catabolic ability towards oil and derivatives. New methods are needed to enhance and optimize natural biodegradation, such as the immobilization of hydrocarbons degraders in many types of supports. We developed a scaffold-bacteria bioremediation system to clean up oil contamination based on degradable 3D scaffolds. The polycaprolactone component is biodegradable, produced in the melt, i.e. at low cost and without the use of toxic solvents. The biofilm is m…

research product

Biological Approaches to the Treatment of Saline Oily Waste(waters) Originated from Marine Transportation

Oily wastewater generated, in amounts of millions of tons per year, by ships mainly in engine-rooms (bilge waters) and by washing oil tanks (slops) create a major disposal problem throughout the world because of the persistence and accumulation of xenobiotic compounds in the environment. The high salinity levels (up to 25.000 p.p.m.) and the pollutants concentration limit the chances of discharge into the sewer systems and address the disposal of these waste(water)s to the sea. Tightening effluent regulations and consequent high energy and management costs has generated interest in the introduction of biological phases in the treatment of these wastewater. The objectives of this study were …

research product