Ramona Toma
Exchange Rate Arrangements in Central and Eastern European Countries – Evolutions and Characteristics
The process of choosing the exchange rate regime for the new EU member states has been influenced by other criteria than the traditional ones, which belong to macroeconomic criteria. This paper make a comparative analyze of the exchange rate arrangements in Central and Eastern European after 1990. These arrangements are dynamic on the one hand due to their permanent diversification and on the other hand because the values established this way are rapidly changing. In essence, they differ according to the degree of flexibility adopted when the exchange rate is established: from more rigid forms – currency board or pegging the currency to a foreign currency – to free floating.
Competitiveness, Economic Freedom and Real Exchange Rate. Evidence from Romania
In the new context of European Integration, Romania has to improve some important macroeconomic indicators, such as: competitiveness, economic freedom and real exchange rate for a sustainable economic growth. Many authors emphasize that competitiveness and economic freedom affects economic growth through stimulating investment and business environment. The equilibrium exchange rate is crucial as it directly influences external competitiveness, especially through export prices. For Romania, the competitiveness can be improved through the economic freedom growth and the real exchange rate appreciation. But this appreciation must be accompanied by a rise in productivity and in the quality of t…
Integrated Administration of the Organizations Informational Resources
Organizations grow and develop continuosly and information volume grows in the same rythm, which makes from improvement or changing the old counting systems an imperative. More and more companies, instead of continuing to invest in small applications choose integrated informational solutions, which are adapted to the user’s daily needsfrom, all decisional levels. Although apparently profitable from the costs point of view, small applications assure only the simple economical solutions between clients, partners, furnisors, and employees. For high business volume companies, this kind of applications become useless in a short time, fact that involves extra sustained investitions