Tools for studying water vapor at high temperatures
1. Kinetics and Oxidation Mechanisms 1.1 Experimental Devices that Produce Water Vapor1.2 Using the Jump Method to Understand Oxidation Mechanisms and Kinetics1.3 Detection of Breakaway Oxidation with Acoustic Emission during Thermal Oxide Scale Growth 1.4 Stress Analysis during and after Oxidation 2. Characterization 2.1 Use and Potential of Environmental SEM (ESEM) in High-Temperature Oxidation and Corrosion Studies in Wet Air 2.2 In Situ X-Ray Diffraction for Water Vapor Analyses2.3 Use of Synchrotron Beam for Evaluating the Influence of Water Vapor on the Corrosion of Metallic Materials 2.4 Raman Spectrometry2.5 In Situ Steam Oxidation Chamber Coupled to XPS 2.6 Hydrogen Profiling in Ox…