Luz Marina Zapata
Evaluación de la digestión in vitro de compuestos bioactivos de arándanos
Estudios in vivo e in vitro han demostrado que las antocianinas provenientes de los arándanos ejercen efectos biológicos beneficiosos sobre la salud de los consumidores. Existen métodos de análisis in vitro que permiten evaluar la estabilidad de las antocianinas en relación con la interacción de los distintos componentes de las matrices alimentarias, el pH, la temperatura, presencia de inhibidores o potenciadores de absorción y presencia de enzimas. El objetivo del trabajo fue poner a punto la metodología de digestión in vitro y evaluar la biodisponibilidad in vitro de antocianinas presentes en jugo de arándanos y un snack formulado con jugo de arándanos y manzana. Los resultados indican qu…
Modelagem da cinética de secagem de discos de maçã e abobrinha impregnadas a vácuo com antocianinas
ABSTRACT: The aim of this research was to study the drying kinetics of apple and zucchini slices enriched with anthocyanins and to evaluate the influence of drying temperature on the anthocyanin content of apple and zucchini snacks. Apple (Granny Smith) and zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) slices were enriched with anthocyanins by vacuum impregnation with blueberry juice. Then, slices were dehydrated at 40, 50 and 60 ºC with 1.0 m/s air flow. Dehydrated samples were referred to as anthocyanin enriched snacks. Diffusion coefficient values improved by increasing the drying temperature, within the 2.81×10-10 to 5.78×10-10 m2/s range for apple slices and 2.02×10-10 to 3.99×10-10 m2/s for zucchini slic…
Multiple response optimization of blueberry juice depectinization
ABSTRACT: To obtain blueberry juice with a high content of antioxidants it is necessary to introduce an enzymatic depectinization step into the process. Due to the importance of this step in the final properties of blueberry juice it is critical that the operation conditions be optimized. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of temperature, duration of treatment and enzymatic complex concentration on anthocyanin content and juice yield during enzymatic depectinization. Results indicated that the best factor combination was 50ºC during 1.3h and 4mg 100g-1 of LAFASE(r) CLARIFICATION and 8mg 100g-1 of LAFASE(r) HE GRAND CRU enzymatic complex concentration. Under these condition…
Estabilidad de antocianinas durante el almacenamiento de jugos de arándanos
Resumen: Antecedentes: Los arándanos y productos de arándano tienen alto valor nutricional, especialmente por su alto contenido de antocianinas. Estas son potentes antioxidantes y poseen alta capacidad de secuestrar radicales libres. Así, los arándanos y productos de arándanos han resultado atractivos para los consumidores interesados en alimentos funcionales. Sin embargo, los tratamientos térmicos y posterior almacenamiento de productos alimenticios influyen en el contenido de antocianinas. La cinética de degradación de las antocianinas puede ser evaluada desde una perspectiva termodinámica, basada en funciones como energía libre, entalpía, entropía y energía de activación. Objetivos: Se e…
Drying kinetics modeling of apple and zucchini slices vacuum impregnated with anthocyanins
ABSTRACT: The aim of this research was to study the drying kinetics of apple and zucchini slices enriched with anthocyanins and to evaluate the influence of drying temperature on the anthocyanin content of apple and zucchini snacks. Apple (Granny Smith) and zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) slices were enriched with anthocyanins by vacuum impregnation with blueberry juice. Then, slices were dehydrated at 40, 50 and 60 ºC with 1.0 m/s air flow. Dehydrated samples were referred to as anthocyanin enriched snacks. Diffusion coefficient values improved by increasing the drying temperature, within the 2.81×10-10 to 5.78×10-10 m2/s range for apple slices and 2.02×10-10 to 3.99×10-10 m2/s for zucchini slic…