G. Hoffmann

Evaluation du membre supérieur: exemple de l'évaluation de la préhension du sujet tétraplégique C6.

research product

Abstract of the 68th Meeting (Spring Meeting) 6–9 March 1990, Heidelberg

research product

Basic and Clinical Relevance of Hormonal Influence in Breast Cancer

In the Federal Republic of Germany breast cancer has a leading place among malignant tumors in women. Genital and breast cancers account for 32% of all female deaths from malignant neoplasias. The distribution of types of cancer is as follows: breast 52%, uterine cervix 9%, corpus uteri 4.5%, adnexae 19%, and other sex organs 15.5% (Maas and Sachs 1972; Schmidt-Matthiesen 1975, Vorherr 1980). Besides general epidemiological factors such as geographical distribution, dietary factors, age distribution, familial disposition, and socioeconomic influences, possible hormonal components are discussed in connection with the etiology of breast cancer (Fischedick and Lux 1977; Henderson et al. 1974; …

research product

3H-estradiol and3H-R5020 binding in cytosols of normal and neoplastic human ovarian tissue

High-affinity cytoplasmic estrogen and progesterone receptors in normal and abnormal ovarian tissues were studied. Estradiol receptor was detectable in 65% and progesterone receptor in 36% of the malignant tumors; 39% of all malignant ovarian tissues were estradiol- as well as progesterone-receptor-positive. Tumors were said to be receptor-positive when the receptors bound greater than 5 fM steroid/mg cytosol protein. No correlations were found between receptor status and histopathological diagnosis. In normal ovarian tissues collected at various phases of the menstrual cycle no changes in [3H]-estradiol and [3H]-R5020 binding could be detected. Analysis of the receptor concentration for bo…

research product

Zirkadiane Serotonin- und Melatonin-Serumspiegel bei Anorexia-nervosa-Patientinnen im Vergleich zu normal-menstruierenden Frauen

Day and night rhythms of melatonin and serotonin were measured in four female anorexia nervosa patients and for comparison in a control group with normal 28-day menstrual cycle. In the anorexia nervosa group the levels of gonadotropins and sexual steroids were distinctly lowered. In the LHRH test the hormonal profile showed pubertal to prepubertal patterns of secretion with an only moderate increase of LH and distinct shifting of the LH/FSH ratio in direction of FSH. For both groups the 24-hour profiles of melatonin and serotonin showed a normal cycle, i.e. melatonin had its maximum by night, whereas serotonin in contrast displayed its highest values by day. However, in the group of patient…

research product

MR-Mammographie zur Responsekontrolle bei primärer Chemobrachytherapie des BET-inoperablen Mammakarzinoms

Ziel: Evaluierung (1) moglicher storender Effekte neoadjuvanter Chemobrachytherapie auf die MR-Mammographie, (2) der Eignung der MRM zur Bestimmung der Resttumorgrose nach Therapie und (3) der Eignung der MRM zur Prognose des Gesamtansprechens nach den ersten Therapiezyklen. Methoden: 14 Patientinnen, die an einer praoperativen Tumorreduktionstherapie (4 Zyklen Chemotherapie kombiniert mit interstitieller Radiotherapie) teilnahmen, wurden mittels dynamischer MR-Mammographie (1 T, zeitliche Auflosung 93 s, raumliche Auflosung 1,9 mm, 0,1 mmol/kg GdDTPA) vor Therapie, nach den ersten beiden Chemotherapiezyklen, nach der Radiotherapie und dem dritten Zyklus sowie nach Therapieabschluss untersu…

research product