C. Dazzi

A self-consistent quantification of contributions to differential TGA results of volcanic soil samples

research product

Fondamenti di Pedologia - 2° edizione

Il suolo, complesso corpo naturale che risulta dalle interazioni fra biosfera, litosfera, atmosfera e idrosfera, ha sempre svolto un ruolo cruciale nel condizionare e determinare lo sviluppo economico, sociale e culturale dell'Uomo. La comprensione dei fattori e dei processi che sono alla base della sua genesi e della sua evoluzione così come delle loro sinergie, è essenziale per definirne le caratteristiche e le qualità e per apprezzarne le funzioni di produttore di beni e di servizi. La scienza che studia i suoli, la Pedologia, ne definisce e quantifica la morfologia, la genesi, le proprietà, la classificazione e la distribuzione come corpi naturali del paesaggio e costituisce anche l'ins…

research product

Soils with Gypsic horizon in southern Sicily, Italy

research product

Fine-scale spatial variability of soil organic carbon and related environmental variables in a protected area of Sicily, Italy

The institution of Natural Reserves has promoted, in Italy, the conservation and the environmental improvement of several areas and their physical and biological factors. Agriculture, forestry and every human activity are regulated to preserve their high ecological and naturalistic value. Land use, in particular, must follow careful rules to preserve the soil fertility and to limit the factors of landscape degradation. Maps of soil organic carbon (SOC) or soil organic matter (SOM) are of interest for agricultural management, resulting a very important soil fertility parameter, as well as in environmental policy related to the terrestrial sequestration of atmospheric carbon. Thus, a better u…

research product

Repercussion of anthropogenic landscape changes on pedodiversity and preservation of the pedological heritage

Over a period of time people have lived in and with their surrounding landscapes and for several thousand years transformed the soilscapes and the vegetation into cultural landscape types important for their economy and to meet their needs (Richter 2007, Ellis 2011, Hjelle 2012). The sustainable provision of goods and services depends critically on managing soils without damaging the natural soilscapes and the related natural resources. To support the transition towards sustainable development, science needs to understand how land-use change affects the environment and how this, in turn, feeds back into human livelihood strategies or infl uences the vulnerability of the environment (Rounsev…

research product

The influence of industrial emissions from a zinc factory on the properties of Chernozem soil

This article describes the influence of zinc factory emissions on soil cover and vegetation cover of the lands of East Kazakhstan. It is shown how the physical properties of water affect soil moisture. The authors consider how heavy metals destroy the composition of organic acids and how it affects the aggregate state of the soil cover.

research product