G. Giunta

Caribbean Plate margin evolution: constraints and current problems

Oceanic crust was generated at multiple spreading centres during the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, forming a "proto-Caribbean" oceanic domain. During the Cretaceous, part of that crustal domain thickened into an oceanic plateau, of petrologic Mid-Ocean Ridge (MOR) to Ocean Island Basalt (OIB) affinity. Simultaneously, the South and North American continental plates developed rifting and tholeiitic magmatism in the Middle America region (Venezuela and Cuba). The rifting created space for the proto-Caribbean oceanic domain. Petrological and regional correlations suggest that, beginning in the Cretaceous, the proto-Caribbean domain was involved into two main stages of subduction, referred to …

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Deep structural setting of the North American-Caribbean plate boundary in eastern Guatemala

Se presenta un modelo bidimensional de gravedad para determinar la estructura en profundidad del sistema de fallas lateral-izquierda de Motagua-Polochic, que son parte del límite de las placas América del Norte y del Caribe. Estos elementos tectónicos, sismicamente activos, atraviesan oeste-este la región de Guatemala y se sobreponen a una línea de sutura donde afloran cuerpos ophiolíticos. En las principales zonas de desplazamiento de las fallas se han desarrollado cuencas de pull-apart y regiones de restricción (push-up). El análisis estructural de algunas de estas fallas, situadas a lo largo del valle Izabal y del valle Motagua, en combinación con los datos obtenidos del satélite, ha per…

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Stima semi-parametrica della funzione di intensità di un processo di punto spazio-temporale.

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Relazioni tra sismicita’ e tettonica nel margine settentrionale della Sicilia

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Some remarks on the Caribbean Plate kinematics: facts and remaining problems.

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Active faults and inferred seismic sources in the San Vito lo Capo peninsula, Northwestern Sicily, Italy.

Two independent active faults, capable of generating medium-sized earthquakes in the San Vito lo Capo peninsula, northwestern Sicily (Italy) have been identified as a result of detailed field studies. In western Sicily, instrumental seismicity is low; in fact, except for the 1968 Belice earthquake (Ms = 5.4), historical records indicate that this area is relatively quiescent. Most of the seismicity is in the offshore sector of the Sicilian Maghrebian Chain, which is characterized by several medium- to low-magnitude events. The main shock of the 2002 Palermo seismic sequence (Mw = 5.9) represents the largest earthquake felt in the area in recent years. The deformation pattern characterizing …

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Un tentativo di analisi integrata della tettonica e sismicità nella zona di cerniera tra Sicilia settentrionale e Basso Tirreno.

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Distintive tectono-magmatic features of supra-subduction complexes in Tethyan Vs Cordilleran ophiolites

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isolation of non-adherent progenitors from adipose-derived stem cells(napadscs): can we finally confirm adscs stemness?

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