G. Concilio
Towards a Deep Integration of Socio-Economic Action and Spatial Planning
It is now time to recognize that self-organizing socio-economic actors can and must act directly on the pursuit of territorial development and cohesion or, in other words, that the broadest possible number of socio-economic actors must be involved, to this end, in co-creating products, services and innovative content. ICTs can greatly help to go forward in this direction, allowing the merging of regulation, implementation of policies and spontaneous transformation, thanks to their interactivity and their potential of diffusion of “usable knowledge” (Lindblom and Cohen, 1979). The proposed approach relies on the notion of Living Labs (LLs), or better on that of “Territorial Living Labs” (TLL…
The Territorial Dimension of Living Lab Approaches: Starting the European “Participant Observatory”
Territory production can be intended as any process of spatial transformation deriving from a sustainable and reciprocal dialogue between local communities and their spatial context along history time; the territory is a dynamic but durable balance between human settlements and their environments. Territory intended in this way - maybe the major competitive factor of regions and their economic actors too - depends less on merely technological advances, rather than socio-technical innovations able to generate better life quality in cities and regions. This is why in the CIP project “Periphèria”, started in November 2010, a European Observatory of LLs and Smart Cities will be set up, conceive…