Alain Rapaport
How optical density measurements on artificially reconstituted soil ecosystems show the validity of the competitive exclusion principle
aeres : C-COM; International audience
Biogeography of soil microbial communities: a review and a description of the ongoing french national initiative
International audience; Microbial biogeography is the study of the distribution of microbial diversity on large scales of space and time. This science aims at understanding biodiversity regulation and its link with ecosystem biological functioning, goods and services such as maintenance of productivity, of soil and atmospheric quality, and of soil health. Although the initial concept dates from the early 20th century (Beijerinck (1913) De infusies en de ontdekking der backterien, in: Jaarboek van de Knoniklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Muller, Amsterdam), only recently have an increasing number of studies have investigated the biogeographical patterns of soil microbial diversity. A such …
The growth of soil bacteria revisited
aeres : C-COM; International audience
Soilμ3d project: emergent properties of soil microbial functions from 3d modelling and spatial descriptors of pore scale heterogeneity
International audience; The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by improving the efficiency of agricultural systems through robust ecologically-based management practices represents the most important challenge facing agriculture. Models are needed to evaluate the effects of soil properties, climate, and agricultural management practices on soil carbon and on the nitrogen transformations responsible for GHG emissions. Models of Carbon and nitrogen cycles in soils need improvements so they can provide more accurate and robust predictions. They use empirical functions which account for the different environmental factors that affect microbial functions. However, these types of function have…
Design of a cascade observer for a model of bacterial batch culture with nutrient recycling
aeres : C-COM; International audience
Impact of distribution heterogeneity of microorganisms and 2,4-D on biodegradation processes in soil : experiment and modelling
Impact of distribution heterogeneity of microorganisms and 2,4-D on biodegradation processes in soil : experiment and modelling. Conference on Pesticide Behaviour in Soils, Water and Air (York 2013)
Reversible inhibition excluses the coexistence at continuous culture
We consider a simple chemostat model involving two species feeding on limiting substrate with reversible inhibition. Systems of differential equations are proposed as models of this association. A detailed qualitative analysis is carried out.We proved, under general and naturel assumptions of monotony on the response functions that the persistence of the two species is impossible.