Sandrine Gautier

Relationship between sensory profiles and odor-active compounds detected by Gas-Chromatography olfactometry

Cheese flavour has been widely studied and key-aroma compounds identified. However the strategies involved were mostly correlation studies between quantitative measurements of aroma compounds and either gas chromatography olfactometry (GC-O) data or sensory data. These correlations do not take in account the differences in the Stevens’ slopes relating sensory perception and concentration and perception thresholds. The objective of this study was thus to explain sensory perception of cheese by the intensity of single molecules measured by GC-O analysis. Seven commercial semi-hard cheeses were evaluated by a sensory descriptive analysis. Thirteen odour attributes were evaluated by a panel of …

research product

Consistency between sorting task and sensory descriptie analysis: application to cheese products

Sensory descriptive analysis (DA) is the incontrovertible method to obtain a complete description of a product. In such methodology, trained panellists evaluate a series of attributes that significantly discriminates products in a set. Sensory sorting task (ST) is often used with consumers in order to obtain a sensory map representing the global differences between products. The two methods are based on very different methodology, but each attends to show the main differences and similarity amongst products. Thus, one can wonder whether these two methods show the same differences, or more precisely, do the results obtained by DA resemble the ones obtained with ST? In the present study, we e…

research product