Stephan C. Bischoff
Ergebnisse einer S2k-Konsensuskonferenz der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie, Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselerkrankungen (DGVS) gemeinsam mit der Deutschen Zöliakie-Gesellschaft (DZG) zur Zöliakie, Weizenallergie und Weizensensitivität
Long-term observation of endocrine ophthalmopathy and retrospective appraisal of therapeutic measures.
The course of endocrine ophthalmopathy was investigated on the basis of clinical and biochemical parameters and in relation to different therapeutic strategies. A retrospective appraisal was made of 297 patients (44 +/- 14 yr, 249 women) with inclusion of anamnestic and clinical data as well as the results of computer tomography. At the beginning of therapy, 253 patients were hyperthyroid, 36 were euthyroid and eight were hypothyroid. The HLA typing carried out in 89 patients showed the phenotypes B8 and DR3 in 32% and 42% of the cases, respectively. Raised microsomal antibodies were present in 56% of the patients and there were raised thyroglobulin antibodies in 19%. Sixty-three % of the p…
What is the physiological function of mast cells?
Under physiological conditions, skin mast cells preferentially localize around nerves, blood vessels and hair follicles. This observation, which dates back to Paul Ehrlich, intuitively suggests that these enigmatic, multifacetted protagonists of natural immunity are functionally relevant to many more aspects of tissue physiology than just to the generation of inflammatory and vasodilatory responses to IgE-dependent environmental antigens. And yet, for decades, mainstream-mast cell research has been dominated by a focus on the -undisputedly prominent and important - mast cell functions in type I immune responses and in the pathogenesis and management of allergic diseases. Certainly, it is ha…
Arrhythmieprofil und Herzfrequenz bei Hyperthyreose
Arrhythmia profiles and heart rates, obtained by 24-hour ECG monitoring, were analysed in 48 patients with hyperthyroidism before (T3 level: 331 +/- 108 ng/100 ml, heart rate: 95 +/- 13/min), during (T3 level: 202 +/- 98 ng/100 ml, heart rate: 85 +/- 11/min) and after (T3 level: 149 +/- 41 ng/100 ml, heart rate: 79 +/- 9/min) antithyroid treatment. 50 persons in whom organic heart disease has been excluded by invasive and noninvasive tests served as controls. Only 6% of patients had repetitive ventricular arrhythmias (Lown group IV) before treatment (controls: 4%; P greater than 0.05). Supraventricular extrasystoles were common both before and after treatment (P less than 0.001), especially…
Central role of IL-6 and MMP-1 for cross talk between human intestinal mast cells and human intestinal fibroblasts.
Mast cells (MC) are key effector cells in allergic reactions but also involved in host defence, tissue remodeling, angiogenesis, and fibrogenesis. Here, we show that human intestinal fibroblasts (FB) suppress apoptosis in human intestinal MC dependent on IL-6. Intestinal FB produced IL-6 upon direct stimulation by intestinal MC in co-culture or by MC mediators such as TNF-α, IL-1β, tryptase or histamine. MC incubated with IL-6 survived for up to 3 weeks similar to MC co-cultured with FB and MC survival could be blocked by neutralizing anti-IL-6 Abs. Moreover, FB stimulated by MC mediators upregulated their expression of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1), a key fibrolytic enzyme. Noteworthy…