C. Fox
Recoil isomer tagging in the proton-rich odd-odd N = 77 isotones, 142Tb and 144Ho
A fusion-evaporation reaction has been employed to search for isomeric states in the near-proton drip-line N577 isotones, 65 142Tb and 67 144Ho. The recoiling nuclei were implanted into a silicon detector at the focal plane of a gas-filled separator, where a recoil isomer tagging technique was employed to correlate prompt and delayed g-ray transitions across isomeric states. New states were observed to be built upon a known 15-ms isomer in 142Tb and the feeding and decay of a new 500(20)-ns isomeric state was established in 144Ho. This measurement represents the first observation of excited states in 144Ho. The behavior of the new states above the isomers suggests that they are built upon l…
Recoil isomer tagging in the proton-rich odd-oddN=77isotones, 65142Tband 67144Ho
Recoil-isomer tagging techniques at RITU
Techniques have been developed to study isomeric states in nuclei with the use of RITU (gas filled separator) at the University of Jyvaskyla. The first was the recoil-isomer tagging technique initially, utilised by D.M. Cullen to study the K π = 8− isomeric state in 138Gd [1]. The juro-sphere array was employed in conjunction with ritu and a focal plane array which consisted of several Compton-suppressed Germanium detectors, placed in close geometry around a multi wire proportional counter (mwpc) and a silicon strip detector used for the implantation of recoiling nuclei. This technique correlates prompt and delayed γ-ray transitions across isomeric states and identifies the lifetime of the …
Recoil Isomer Tagging on Proton-Rich Odd–Odd N=77 Isotones 142Tb and 144Ho
The isomeric structure of the N=77 isotones 14265Tb and 14467Ho have been studied with the 92Mo(54Fe, xpn) fusion evaporation reaction at the University of Jyväskylä. The Jurospehere II germanium array was employed in conjunction with the RITU gas filled recoil separator. The feeding and decay of a 500(20) ns isomeric state in 144Ho has been established for the first time together with states built upon the known 15 μs isomer in 142Tb. The behavior of these new structures above the isomers suggest that they are low deformation configurations which display signs of triaxiality. peerReviewed