A. T. Semple
γ-ray spectroscopy of neutron-deficientTe110. II. High-spin smooth-terminating structures
High-spin states have been populated in Te-110(52) via Ni-58(Ni-58,alpha 2p gamma) reactions at 240 and 250 MeV. The Gammasphere gamma-ray spectrometer was used in conjunction with the Microball charged-particle detector. The high-spin (I>30) collective level scheme of Te-110, up to similar to 45h, is discussed in this paper. Four new decoupled (Delta I=2) high-spin structures have been observed for the first time, together with two strongly coupled (Delta I=1) bands. These bands all show the characteristics of smooth band termination, and are discussed within the framework of the cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky approach.
Single-step link from yrast SD band in 143Eu
A discrete γ-ray transition from the yrast SD band to the region of near-yrast discrete normal-deformed states has been identified in 143Eu. It has an energy of 3360.6 keV and an intensity corresponding to 3.2% of the full intensity of the SD band and feeds a nearly-spherical state above spin 352(+) and Ex=4947 keV. This agrees well with the picture of the decay out of the SD band gained previously from two-step links. The angular distribution analysis favours a stretched dipole character for the transition. Due to the complicated structure of the level scheme in the region of interest it has not been possible to place the transition exactly.
Magnetic properties of smooth terminating dipole bands in 110,112Te
Three strongly coupled sequences have been established in Te-110,Te-112 up to high spins. They are interpreted in terms of deformed structures built on proton 1-particle-1-hole excitations that reach termination at I similar to 40h. This is the first observation of smooth terminating dipole structures in this mass region. Lifetime measurements have allowed the extraction of experimental B(M 1; 1 -> I - 1) and B(E2; I -> I - 2) reduced transition rates for one of the dipole bands in Te-110. The results support the deformed interpretation. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Smooth terminating bands inTe112: Particle-hole induced collectivity
The Gammasphere spectrometer, in conjunction with the Microball charged-particle array, was used to investigate high-spin states in Te-112 via Ni-58(Ni-58, 4p gamma) reactions at 240 and 250 MeV. Several smooth terminating bands were established, and lifetime measurements were performed for the strongest one using the Doppler-shift attenuation method. Results obtained in the spin range 18-32h yield a transition quadrupole moment of 4.0 +/- 0.5eb, which corresponds to a quadrupole deformation epsilon(2)=0.26 +/- 0.03; this value is significantly larger than the ground-state deformation of tellurium isotopes. It was also possible to extract a transition quadrupole moment for the yrast band in…
Four independent decay properties in the super-deformed well of 143Eu
Abstract The flow of γ-transitions through the superdeformed minimum of 143Eu is investigated by studying the intensities of four different types of γ-rays of superdeformed origin, obtained with a variety of gating conditions. They can all be explained rather well by schematic simulation calculations assuming only well known statistical properties. Information on level density, competition between E1 and E2 strengths and rotational damping width in the SD well is obtained, yielding a rather complete picture of the feeding mechanism into different regions of the second minimum.